Little Percy & Nico: Playtime

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Prompt:  :D I think an interesting one would be little percy being taken care of by nico

Requested by @civ6halfblood   

"Hey Perc-"

"And then I was like, 'Gurl, you better get a better hiding spot because I am great at this game'," Percy said sassily to his Nemo plushie. Talking about the hide and seek game he played with Piper earlier. He was very sassy whenever she was around. Nico didn't know whether to shut the door and leave or ask Percy the question he came for. He didn't get a choice because Percy looked at him and gasped. "Neeks!"

Nico shifted uncomfortably and gave a slight waved, shutting the door as he came into the cabin. He wasn't informed that Percy had slipped. Apparently Piper knew though. But was no where to be found. Percy patted next to him on the bed, putting Nemo on his lap. Nico didn't budge from his spot near the door though.

"Do you know where Piper is?"

"Uh, food. Come play with me!" Percy exclaimed, making grabby hands for his smaller friend. Nico put on an awkward smile and shook his head. He wasn't the best at watching young children, Percy seemed to be around five. He didn't want to make him upset or something. The only time he's watch Percy when he was small was when two other people were in the room.

"Nah, I need to go find Piper and-"

"Please," Percy said, giving big puppy eyes that only Annabeth can say no to.

Nico was not Annabeth.

He sighed and walked over to him, sitting beside him on the bed. Percy clapped his hands in delight and got off the bed. He came back with a little set of dolls and a small doll house. It wasn't taller than Nico's knee. Nico's pretty sure Leo made it or something. Then again Piper could of gotten it from a Toys-R-Us. Percy handed him a small doll. They weren't bendable, the plastic was pretty hard, and they were only half the size of a barbie doll. But they were pretty and probably came with the house set. Percy seemed to like them, otherwise he wouldn't of gotten them out.

The only thing was that Nico didn't know how to play with dolls.

He wasn't the best at imagination with this kind of set. He was good at card games, he was totally up for playing Go-Fish or UNO. But dolls? They weren't his thing. But he didn't fully care. If Percy wanted him to play, he'll play along.

"Okay so you're Rebecca," Percy began to explained. "I'm Acxa. We're roommates!"

"Yep, roommates," Nico nodded, looking at the house and then at the doll. What was he worrying about. He could do this!

That confidence sank and sank the further they played. He tried to be excited about it. He really did! Truth be told he was actually pretty good at it at times. But when Percy added in random people, like the shark; secretly Nemo; that lived in their invisible pool in the backyard or Rebecca's mom randomly coming, it got confusing. There were so many people living in the house by the time Nico gave up and backbended off the bed. His feet were on there still. But his back seemed to be sluggish as he put his hands on the floor.

"Rebecca has a confusion cousin," Nico mumbled, rubbing his temple. Percy giggled at that. Zery, Rebecca's cousin, was super weird. And had a backstory of stealing. Apparently she stole Acxa's bed sheets while they were in the kitchen.

"She's cool."

"She's scary!" Nico exclaimed as he sprung back up. He held his head as everything spun for a minute.

"Yeah, but she's cool," he repeated, picking Nemo up and gasping. "We should play the floor is lava!"

"The floor is what?" Nico asked as Percy got off the bed. He grabbed some pillows and spreaded them around the room. Nico watched from the bed, packing up the dolls. He put the doll house back in it's place in the corner and saw Percy standing on a pillow. "What are you doing?"

"The floor is lava!" he exclaimed as he jumped onto another pillow. 

Nico stared at him because standing on a pillow himself. He jumped onto another one making sure that he didn't bump into Percy. He was pretty sure that some campers could see him in the window. But this was pretty fun. Nico took it up a notch and stood on his tippy toes while jumping. Unfortunately this is what made him slip and fall. It didn't hurt much when he fell. His arm hurt just a little since it took the most impact. But he didn't break anything. Nico looked over at Percy, who stared wide eyed at him.


"Noooooooo! Neeks, why!" Percy began to say in a loud voice. Nico stood up and brushed himself off as Percy continued dramatically. "How could you die!? You were my best friend!"

"Percy I well on the floor."

"You died, in boiling hot lava," Percy said, doing that fake crying things kids do when they tease. Nico stared at him, then noticing that Nemo was in the 'lava'. He gasped, which made Percy shush and look at him.

"Nemo!" he pointed out. Percy's head snapped over to the stuffie as his eyes stared in horror.

"Nooo!" he exclaimed, diving for the toy. He layed on his back on the floor and reach for the sky. "It burn! It burns! Bleh," Percy's hand fell onto the floor as he stuck his tongue out.

"What's going on in here?" Piper asked as she opened to cabin door, a plate of cookies in her hands.

"Percy's dead because he fell in lava," Nico explained, grabbing a cookie and taking a bite. Piper walked over to Percy and stood next to him.

"Alright now, you gotta get up. The floors dirty," Piper said, shoving his arm onto his body with her food.

"I can't, I'm dead," Percy pointed out as if Piper was a dumb dumb.

"Too dead for food?" Piper asked, showing some blue cookies on the plate. She made them with the help of the Hermes kids. Man those kids are like the Black Market, you can get anything from them!

Percy paused for a second before sitting up, "My death will have to wait."

"Knew it," she smirked as she handed him a cookie. She then turn around and looked at Nico. "Thanks for watching him. Did you come here for something?"

"Uh, you stole my pillow last time you came to my cabin," Nico said. Did that sound strange coming out of his mouth? Yes. But her and Leo stole his pillow as a prank. Did he chase her for an hour to get his pillow back and still didn't get it? Yep.

"Oh, yeah I burred it."

"What?!" Nico exclaimed, his arms flinging to his side. Percy gasped and lightly hit Piper's leg.

"Bad Piper, go get it back," he said, earning a chuckle from sneaky Piper and an furious nod from an angry Nico. Hazel gave him that pillow dang it. It was one of the only colorful things he owned in there. Since it was all bright and pastel. Percy then tried to push her. "Go! Mush, mush!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go find it," Piper scoffed, handing Nico the plate as she left. "Make sure you two don't eat all of them in five minutes!"

Nico waited a minute before sitting next to Percy, "You wanna eat all of these in seven minutes?"

Hey, it wasn't five minutes like Piper said. Percy seem to understand that as well as he took another cookie. Nico might not be the best at playtime, but he is good at bargaining.

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