>*Messy Milky*<

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~Hellow my Little Beans!~

Today's Oneshot was requested by the awesome,


Little: Percy
Caregiver: Frank

Let's get rolling!

It was almost Percy's bedtime, which Frank had set up for his Little Schedule. Most rules he let slide, but the most important one was that bedtime was at 9:00. It was a pretty understandable rule. Taking that Percy got really cranky when he stayed up took late.

This was why Frank was carrying Percy on his hip while making him a bottle.

Percy would babble to him and lightly hit his chest. He wanted his  bottle now! He was very impatient when it was almost time for bed. It didn't bother Frank. The hits couldn't even hurt a kitten. Plus Frank was strong! Little Percy believed that nothing could hurt him! But his mind was still trying to get Frank to finish his bottle faster.

"Hold on Perc, I haven't even started it!" Frank laughed as he tried to not spill the milk as he poured it in.

Percy whined and hide his face in the crook of Frank's neck. Frank just shook his head and added in some sugar and cinnamon. He walked back to the living room and sat Percy on the couch. He went to shake the bottle when-

Oh . . .

He forgot a lid.

He laughed to himself quietly at his mistake. It had been a long day and his mind wasn't working correctly. He set the bottle on the TV tray in front of the couch and crouched in front of Percy.

"Alright, I've gotta head back into the kitchen and get a lid. No touching," he warned, pointing at the bottle. Percy nodded and began to clap his hands.

Frank got up and walked back into the kitchen. Percy stared at the door before looking at the bottle. His stare turned into a glare as he kept on waiting for Frank. It was like he was purposely taking forever! It was the worst!

It would be too bad if he tried to drink it without the lid.

"Mmm . ." He made a small grunting noise as he tried to pick up the milk. And he succeed!

He started to put it to his lips and drink. Sadly, he spilt it all over pajamas. He held if a little too low from his mouth and poured too far back. This ended up with milk all over him.

Percy froze as tears ran to his eyes. He whimpered and began to sob loudly. He was too little to inform Frank on what just happened. But Frank definitely heard the cries.

"What happened?!" Frank asked as he rushed into the living room.

Percy cried and made grabby hands towards Frank. Frank sighed but smiled as he picked him up. At least he wasn't hurt. Percy picked at his clothes as he held onto Frank. They felt icky and stuck to his skin.

"Let's get you into a bath and changed," Frank chuckled at he patted Percy's hair. Percy nodded and let Frank carry him upstairs.


Once Frank had gotten Percy calmed down more, he had started a bath him. He helped out Percy pick out a few bath toys.

Right now Percy was splashing the water around as Frank poured some water on his head. He giggled and shook it like a dog. Which ended up getting Frank wet.

"Gah- Hey, let's not do that baby boy," Frank smiled as Percy looked up at him innocently. "I'd like to stay dry for the night."

Percy stared at him and splashed water on him.
Getting Frank more wet.

"Hey!" Frank growled before taking a deep breath. He patted Percy's hair and shook his finger. "No, we don't do that. Splash lightly silly!"

Percy giggled and nodded. He splashed around again but this time it was more suble. He grabbed his duck and began squeak it. He gasped and shoved it in front of Frank's face. Squeezing it more so that it would make more sound.

"Ah! Ah!"

"It is a pretty ducky!" Frank smiled as Percy hugged it. He then dunked it under water before ripping it back out.
Again, getting water on Frank.

He rolled his eyes and let it go by now. He could get changed later. Right now he had to pay attention to his little baby.


After Frank got Percy out of a warm bath and changed into a fuzzy footsie, he brought him into the kitchen again. Percy wasn't really wanting milk anymore. He pointed at the sink and make grabby hands. Frank made a sippy cup with some water in it before carrying him back upstairs.

Now they were both cuddling in bed, it was really quiet. The only sound was the light sucks from Percy's pacifier. Frank hummed a nice tone quietly to himself. Which helped lured Percy to sleep.

It had been a long day and night. But everything was calm now.

I hope you all enjoyed this oneshot! Any grammar mistakes or request you can always inform me of!

~Bye bye for now my Little Beans! Make sure to drink some water!~

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