Stage Fright

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~Hellow my Little Beans!~

Today's Oneshot was requested by the dazzling,


Little: Lee
Caregiver: Malcolm
Request: I was wondering if you could a Little Lee CG Malcolm, maybe there's a big dance that the Aphrodite cabin hosted and the Apollo cabin is playing music but Lee gets sage fright and slips?

Before starting this I want to point out I don't have stage fright so I don't know what it's like or how it looks like. I tried to write something but I'll take any criticism!
But I most certainly can! Let's get rolling!

Stage fright.

It was uncommon, for a child of Apollo. But that didn't mean it never happened.

Lee's stage fright was weird. If he was with his siblings, even just one, it wouldn't act up. But just him on a stage, being watched by an entire camp. He hated it. Everyone watching you, judging you, waiting for you to mess up. It screwed with his head sometimes.

His siblings were supportive though. They always tried to help him through it.  Giving him the idea like the underwear trick, which only made him uncomfortable.

Luckily, he had Malcolm. Who also tried to help.

"And you're sure you can do it?" Malcolm asked as he grabbed Lee's hands. "You can always ask Will. Kayla won't mind a last minute change."

"I'll never be able to get through it if I don't try, right?" Lee sighed, looking at the stage he was suppose to be on it two minutes.

The Aphrodite cabin had thought it would be a good decision to throw a big dance. Not anything like a ball. But casual dancing. The Satyrs loved it so far, as well as the campers. Well the Apollo cabin had volunteered for music. They all did their own solos so that they could still enjoy the party. Some didn't do it but most did. And Lee didn't want to cancel last second and force it onto someone else!

"You're right and all. But I still worry," Malcolm frowned, kissing his head. "I know you'll do great!"

"Lee, you're on," Will smiled as he walked off the stage the Hephaestus cabin made. He pat his older brother's shoulder before running somewhere off in the crowd.

"Good luck, my Sunshine," Malcolm smiled as Lee walked onto stage.

He was going to sing Little Sunshine by Christopher. He had randomly found it and wanted to sing it. Why? He liked the name enough.

He stepped onto the small stage, standing in the middle. The music started to play behind him from a music player that Leo made.

Half of the camp was looking at him, staring at him. Well, more than half. There were a few who were minding their own business. But still so so many people weer staring at only him.

He didn't like it one bit.

"Sing something!" a voice complained. None other than Drew herself. She wanted the song to start already. Lee had already been on stage for three minutes and not moved an inch.

Lee flinched at her voice. Sing? Right, he was suppose to thing. But their eyes were glued to him. None were moving, all were staring, judging. Lee's breathing began ragity as he looked to his side. Malcolm gave him a thumbs up, something for good measure. But it didn't work.

Sing? He couldn't sing. What were his lyrics again? He couldn't remember. He was too small for this. Too small, he-

Lee ran off the sage and towards Malcolm. He ran into Malcolm's arms as Kayla ran onto stage. She began to sing as Malcolm squeezed his baby.

"Couldn' do it. Papa, I couldn' do it!" Lee cried as Malcolm scratched his head. Some Hephaestus kids looked at them weirdly but they continued their way. Some Apollo kids, who were backstage and knew of Lee's secret, looked at them worried.

Malcolm picked him up and began to carry him towards the cabin. He shushed him gently the entire way. Telling him he tried his best and that he was a good boy. When he got back to the cabin he sat of the bed with Lee on his lap.

"Hey, who's the bestest baby in the world?" Malcolm asked, poking Lee's cheek. Lee giggled and held his hand.

"Me?" he asked, looking at him inncently.

"That's right!" Malcolm laughed, kissing his cheek. "You're so smart, baby boy!"

"Screwed up my singing tho," Lee frowned. Malcolm raised his eye brow and smiled.

"Really? Well, I thought you were brave for trying. And you have a beautiful voice, even if they didn't get to hear! You're my little singer," Malcolm teased, nuzzling Lee's cheek. Lee giggled and snuggled up to him.

"Papa what about the camp?" Lee wondered, fiddling with his hands.

"The camp won't say anything. They know that you tried your hardest," Malcolm hummed at he petted Lee's hair. This wasn't the first time Lee had tried to preform by himself. But the camp didn't mind him trying.

"Papa can I have Sir Snuggletin?" Lee asked as he looked at Malcolm with big eyes. His chest still hurt slightly but he just wanted to cuddle with Malcolm and his doggie stuffie.

"Sir Snuggletin would love to hang out with you!" Malcolm exclaimed, grabbing his stuffie and handing it to him. He also grabbed Lee's paci and slipped it into his mouth. Lee coed and snuggled more into Malcolm. His eyes began to become droopy. After all that crying he could really use a nap. Malcolm chuckled and layed down for them. "Night night my little superstar. Papa loves you."

But Malcolm was already asleep.

Hope you all enjoyed this oneshot. Any grammar mistakes or request you can always inform me of!
Also, let me know if I should keep the Request part and just keep who's Little and who's the Caregiver or babysitter. And should I keep the titles how they are now or try something diffrent?

~Bye bye for now my Little Beans! Make sure to get an unhealthy snack >:3!~

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