Little Will & Switch Nico: Slipping Too?

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Prompt: one with little Will and Nico but half way through or something Nico slips to???

Requested by @AlexMidoiya  

I looked up love nicknames from the 30s and I didn't get exactly that but I found a list of nicknames and apparently Sugar has been a term of endearment since the 1930s and I'm taking it.

"Doors open!" Nico exclaimed when someone pounded on his office door. Well, his and Will's office door. They share one, as well as an apartment. He expected it was Will at the door, which he was right about, but he didn't expect to see him like that. Will had on an oversize yellow sweater, short shorts, and his bear stuffie in arms. It was clear that he slipped. Nico's smile brightened and he made hand signals for Will to walks closer. Since he wasn't aloud in the office when he slipped. "You need something, Sugar?"

"Dada?" Will asked putting his hands on Nico's desk, setting his stuffie in front of him.

"Dada's listening," Nico chuckled, resting his hand on his cheek. Will's smile brightened as he giggled.

"Can we color together?"

Nico thought about it before nodding, "'Course. I'll go get the coloring books, you go sit yourself and Mr. Teddy in the living room."

"Tay!" Will said, grabbing his friend and running out of the room. Nico would of shouted at him to slow down, but Will was already gone.

Nico got up from his chair, abandoning his work, and walked out of his workspace. He went over to the cubbies at the end of their bed and grabbed out two coloring books and some crayons. He quickly walked to the living room and saw Will playing with his stuffie. He quietly walked over behind him and tapped on his shoulder. Will squeaked and turned to see who tapped him. He puffed out his cheeks and glared at him.

"Dada!" he whined. "That wasn't funny!" 

Nico laughed slightly and patted his head, "I'm sorry, Sugar. I got your coloring book though."

"You're forgiven," Will said, taking the coloring book. "Animal!"

"Yep, I know how much you love them," Nico joked, sitting beside him. "I got a space one myself."

Will nodded and began to grab out different crayons. Nico followed after, going to draw some space ship. Will began to rant about penguin and why he thought they were cute. Nico listened to his fondly as they both began to draw. He talked about how they wobbled around and fell down a lot. And that they gave each other rocks when they like someone. Nico found it quite adorable. What he didn't find cute was how he felt himself slipping. Drawing had always helped Nico slipped. Back before Will knew his secret, Nico would always use coloring books to help him slip. Of course he pushed the feeling away, he was suppose to look after Will, not feel little himself. He can't watch Will and be small!

"Dada!" Will exclaimed, shaking Nico. Nico jumped, disturbed of his thoughts, as he looked over at his baby. "Attention!"

"Sorry Baby, Dada must of zoned out a little," Nico apologized. Before he could sit up, Will crawled over and layed himself over his back.


"Well I can't give you attention if you pin me to the ground," Nico mumbled, looking at his drawing. He smiled to himself at his masterpiece. He looked over at Will's and grabbed it. "How about we put this on the fridge?"

"Really?" Will asked, getting off Nico and sitting down. He grabbed his friend and held him in his arms.

"Yeah, it's fridge worthy."

"Can we put yours up there too!?" Will asked, bouncing slightly. Nico stared at Will for a second before nodding.

"I don't see why not," he shrugged. 

He tore both pictures out of the books, trying his best not to rip them, and lead Will into the kitchen. Will was very insistent of putting Nico's on himself. So he let him. He hung Will's with a dolphin clip. Most of their clips were animal themed. They were cooler to look at than normal clips. When he looked back at Will to see his drawing he saw that Will had hung his with a butterfly one.

"Do good?" Will asked him turning his head puppy like.

Nico honestly wanted to giggle and exclaim about how cute the clip was. But he held it back. That didn't mean that his voice was very high pitch at first, "Yes!" He then coughed and put on an awkward smile. "You did amazing, Sugar. I love it." 

Will smiled and began drawing a small circle over his mouth with his thumb. It snapped to Nico that he wanted his paci. He gently removed Will's hand away from his mouth and heard a whine from the boy.

"Give me a minute and I'll go get you a paci. How about you go find a movie to watch?" Nico recommended. Will nodded and began to run back to the living room. "Walk please!"

Nico made quick to head back to their bedroom. He grabbed Will's pacifier from the nightstand, yellow with white polka dots, when his own caught his eye. It was simple, just plain black. But it memorized him. He desperately wanted to take it and slip alongside with Will. But he was suppose to watch Will, wasn't he? He stared at his for another moment before slowly setting back down Will's. He hesitantly picked up his own and popped it into his mouth. Relaxing at the smooth rubber in his mouth-

"Dada?" Will asked at the door. Nico shot his head over at the voice and quickly ripped the paci out of his mouth. "Oh, is Dada small too?"

"No Sugar. Dada isn't small, he's just-," Nico couldn't find a good excuse to back himself up. Luckily Will bounced over and stuck the paci back into Nico's mouth.

"Neeks, it's otay to feel tiny. We'll watch each other, Dum Dum. Now, let's go watch Frosty the Snowman!" Will giggled, grabbing Nico's wrist and beginning to lead him. He quickly stopped in his tracks and gasped. "Wait! We forgot your stuffie and my paci!"

"Oh no!" Nico squeaked, letting himself get more comfortable as he felt himself become littler. He quickly ran over to his bed and grabbed his Cerberus stuffie. Will grabbed his paci off the stand and popped it into his mouth. "Gots it!"

Will giggled and regrabbed Nico's hand, leading him to the couch. Maybe being small isn't so bad when your little is also small. There isn't too much trouble you could get into together, right?

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