Little Annabeth

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Little: Annabeth

CG: Percy

Requester: @Love_PJO1220   

Annabeth couldn't tell why but she was running through darkness.

She didn't feel like she was being chased. But instead it felt as though she needed to get somewhere

If she didn't . . . something would happen

But her legs hurt. As if she'd ran 17 miles already

The scene changed

Percy was being held in the air by his neck. A women laughed evilly as she held him.

Annabeth screamed and tried to run towards him. She felt slow. Like in those horror movie movies

But she was too slow

Percy kept on struggling but a hole opened beneath him. The women laughed meanisly and dropped him in

Annabeth screamed as her eyes flew open. She sat up and hugged herself. It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare.


She looked beside her. Percy was sleeping peacefully. But. . . was he? Annabeth had woken up little. She needed to double check. So, she began to viciously shake his awake. Percy blinked his eyes repeatedly and sat up.

"Hold on, give me two seconds. Is someone at the door?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. It was late, really late. But Annabeth never woke him up unless she needed to. He looked to his side and saw a slightly blurry crying Annabeth. "Woah, what's wrong?"

Annabeth whimpered and hugged his arm. Percy tried to blink a couple more times before moving her onto his lap. He shushed her and pet her hair. It was late and he was tired. But Annabeth seemed super upset so sleep was not an option.

"Sweetie what happened?" he asked, trying to keep his eyes open.

"I- I had a dwream where you died!" Annabeth cried, holding onto him tighter.

"I- Baby it's okay. It was just a dream. There's no way I'm dying! Otherwise who would take care of my special little baby? Leaving you alone would mean I'd fail at my job. And I know how pouty you get when I fail things," Percy joked, making Annabeth smile. He felt like he was speaking gibberish instead of actual comfort. He needed to move around if he was going to stay awake.

He stood up and began to carry Annabeth to the kitchen. "How about we get you something to drink? Do you want some warm milky?"

"Mhmm. Vanilla an honey too pleas?" Annabeth asked as Percy sat her on the counter.

"Yeah I can make that-"

"No go!" Annabeth gasped as he moved to make her a bottle. Percy immanently turned back around and Annabeth grabbed his shirt sleeve.

"Do you think you can stand while I make you a baba?" he asked. Annabeth nodded. Instead of looking fearful and upset, there was some confidence in her eyes.

Percy made Annabeth a bottle of milk. She seemed very attached to him. Understandable, Percy wouldn't want to leave Annabeth's side if he had a bad dream. But whenever she wasn't touching him she'd start crying.

Stupid dreams, making his baby cry.

He also noticed her swaying some. Sleep was hitting her, but she was sure to stay up! Otherwise Percy might disappear!

"There!" Percy exclaimed as he handed Annabeth the bottle. He swept her up again and walked back to the room.

He sat on the bed and feed her. Annabeth layed her head on his shoulder. Annabeth whined some and glimced at the door. Almost glaring at it. After she was done Percy kissed her head and put the blanket over them both.

"You sleepy now, princess?" he asked. Annabeth nodded but gasped.

"We don't has Blueberry!" she said. Blueberry was a bee stuffie of Annabeth's.

"You're right! Who else will protect us from scary monsters?" Percy gasped as he sat back up.

He walked over to the closet, where Annabeth's little things where, and grabbed Blueberry and a plain white paci. They seriously needed to color it somehow. Maybe a design?

He walked back over to the bed and gave Annabeth both things. She seemed calmer now. Having a nice treat, her fluffy protector, and her paci, she seemed tired. Percy got back into bed and cuddled her a bit more firm than before. Besides, cuddles scare the bad dreams away.


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