Regressor Annabeth w/ CG Percy & Tyson

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"And yeah . . . That's basically it," Annabeth said, looking at the two brothers.

The three sat in Posideon's Cabin. Annabeth had decided to tell the two about her regression.

It seemed to be going . . . okay.

Percy seemed to be trying to rack his brain around it, and Tyson seemed pretty supportive.

"So, it's a form of therapy for you?" Percy asked, smiling. He didn't want to seem unsupportive by accident . . . Just a bit confused.

"Mhm," Annabeth nodded. "I guess . . . It helps me feel safe and stuff. Especialyl when things get too big or overwhelming."

Tyson just shrugged. He seemed so calm about this. Like it was every other Tuesday.

"Well your still Annabeth, so there's no problem!"

". . . Wait, you understand this stuff?" Percy whispered to him, receiving a shrug in response.

"It's a bit hard to understand if you've never seen it, but it's not bad! As far as I've seen, it like watching cartoons, and cutting crust off sandwiches," Tyson explained. "It's really easy most times! . . . Well, sometimes it can be difficult, but I still think it's nice."

". . . Do you regress too?!" percy asked. Two secrets in one day?! Hold on now-

Tyson held back a laugh, patting Percy's shoulder, "No, but sometimes Ella does! . . . Oh, I shouldn't have said that."

Tyson frowned as he thought about it, that wasn't his secret to tell. And if Annabeth seemed nervous to tell them, then Ella wouldn't have liked her secret being out either.

"Okay . . . Well Tyson is right," Percy sighed, patting his lap. "Your still my Annabeth, and nothing changes that."

"You aren't . . . weirded out?" Annabeth asked. percy hated how unsured she sounded.

"I thought you were suppose to be a wise girl, Wise Girl," Percy teased, "I'm not upset or anything. And I'm not leaving. It's new, but it's still you."

There was a small silence.

Percy spoke up first, "So it is on command?"

"Depends. Sometiems I let myself slip, other times I feel small by accident," Annabeth explained, laughing a bit. "Most times I control it."

"Right! That makes sense," Percy nodded, laughing with her. "Sooooo if we were to put on some toons, would you wanna watch them with us?"

"Right! We were going to continue our show!" Tyson gasped, rushing to grab Percy's phone.

"Your going to break it!" Percy whined, also frantically trying to grab his phone.

Annabeth watched as the two brother tussled. THis was a really nice secret to share.

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