Regressor Leo w/ CG Nico

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Leo frowned to himself as Nico and him walked down the path.

A simple scroll in the park. It was a chilly day, so there weren't many people.

But there was one problem: Leo's headspace.

Before Nico had suggested a walk, Leo was just getting into his headspace. watching some cartoons, having some goldfish. But he didn't want to just deny Nico's hang out suggestion. So he got out of it as quick as he could, which really didn't work because he still felt small.

Gosh, he really needed to stop doing that and just cancel sometimes.

But what wasn't the full problem. The other problem is that they were at a park!!

What was leo supposed to do? Not go on the swings? Or the slide? Bullstuffies!

A simple walk, that was so silly.

". . . Your quiet," Nico nudged him. "What's up?"


"Your normally not this quiet," Nicco frowned. "Something wrong."

Leo shook his head, "It's snuffing. JUst chilling."

"Nuffing huh?" Nico didn't look convinced. "Well, does nothing stop you from going on the playground with me?"

Play? He wanted to play!!

"Swings?" Leo asked exciendly.

"Swings it is," Nico nodded. Leo already took off running. "Hey-!"

Leo hadn't expected to slip more into his headspace. Some time on the swings, and the jungle gym made him feel tinier. This was getting bad, really bad.

If there was one thing little Leo didn't have, it was a good bladder.

And now he needed to go potty, really badly.

Nico was scrolling on his phone, him and Leo sitting on the grass. He didn't bring any of Leo's behaviors up. His words, or his actions, or his motor skills. A look, but then a shrug and they continued playing.

Nico pocketed his phone, "It's getting kinda late, you wanna get going?"

Leo shook his head, not wanting to get up.

Leo looked at him, "Potty?"

Nico didn't comment on the childish word, Leo has always been one for pranks, "The restroom? Uh . . . I don't see one."

It was true, the restroom couldn't be seen. Because it was across the way, near the baseball field.

"Why do you . . . Oh, oh crap," Nico frowned, connecting Leo's squirming. "It'll be a small walk, you think you could make it?"

. . . The answer to that was no. 

Nico tried to touch Leo's shoulder, receiving tears and a shout in reply. He jumped back in surprise, not expecting that reaction. Although the now wet spot on his friend's pants was clearly noticeable.

Leo continued to cry, he had had an accident.

In public. In front of Nico.

"Here," Nico took off his jacket, wrapping it around Leo's waist. "You okay?"

No, no he wasn't okay! He felt really tiny, and he had an accident, and nothing was right!

"Leo?" Nico frowned. "Hey, talk to me."

"Had an accident," Leo sniffed, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah . . . They happen sometimes," Nico said. "You're okay, everyone has accidents."

Leo shook his head, and Nico held out his hand.

"Come on, let's get up," Nico said, hoisting Leo up, fighting the jacket around his waist. "There, that good? How about we head home, get you into a bath and stuff?"

Bath? Leo liked baths, maybe he could even have bubbles!! Or some of his toys! He did really like those water crayons.

"Bath?" Leo asked, Nico smiled at his smile.

"Mhm, I'll get one started when we get home," Nico nodded.

Leo grabbed Nico's shirt as they walked. Nico still didn't say anything, just letting him.

He noticed how quiet Leo was too, but made no move to comment. Maybe he was embarrassed? Nico would be embarrass too, so he wasn't going to push on the issue. No matter what, his friend came first, especially right now.

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