Little Annabeth and Percy: The Letters pt 2

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Prompt: For the letter one I'm not really sure what to do but ur idea of Annie slipping for the first would be really intresting

Requested by @KaylynnSolace

"Come on Annie, please?"

"Use that name on me one more time, Jackson," Annabeth glared at him. He was currently on his knees begging while she was reading a book on his bed.

"Come on! We've established that being a lit-"

"Don't!" Annabeth exclaimed, closing the book harshly.

". . . We've established that Angel is apart of you and you don't have to hide it," Percy corrected. 

Annabeth, even though now more accepting this part of her, didn't like using the word little. So Percy claimed that Little her should be called Angel instead of Annabeth. So that they could tell them apart.

"Please Angel? Can we just try?"

Annabeth stared at him. Percy had that begging face that nobody could say no to. Well, nobody but Annabeth. But Annabeth had been working hard during the past few days. And Percy just wanted to let her have a break. Slipping for the first times, maybe that will help!

"Fine," she sighed, earning a big happy gasp from Percy. Sometimes she wondered who the real little was.

"Yay!" He jumped up and hugged her. She chuckled and hugged him back.

Let's just say, Percy's been doing some research. More of how to help a little slip and stuff like that. So he had quite confidence that he would be able to help. He sat up and put her on his lap, nuzzling their noses together. Annabeth smiled and did the same thing back. He stood up and walked over a a backpack hidden behind his chair. It had some little kid stuff. Nothing too over the top, since he didn't think Annabeth would like that. Although he'd be fucked if she did. It had some coloring books, some kid books, and some other things.

"Alright Angel, what do you wanna do first? Color? Read?"

"Read?" she looked at him, making him nod. He dug through the backpack, pulling out a One Fish Two Fish book. She frowned at the book but tried to grab it.

"No, Angel. I'm gonna read it to you!" he explained, kissing her cheek.

Her frowned deepened but nodded her head. Just going along with him. He sat back onto the bed and moved Annabeth from his hip to the middle of his lap.

After reading the book Annabeth was shuffling a bit weirdly. Percy didn't comment on it though, kissing her cheek at the end of it. He bounced her a little bit, asking what she'd like to do next. Annabeth shrugged and Percy smiled.

"How about we have some juice?"

"Juce- Juice?" Annabeth coughed, looking back at him. Percy ruffled her hair and dug through the bag at their feet. Annabeth had moved off his lap and to his side so that he could dig through it better. Annabeth blushed as Percy brought out a Mickey Mouse sippy cup

"I know it's probably not what you like but it's cute," Percy gave her a smile. He grabbed a thing of apple juice and filled up the the sippy cup. He handed it to Annabeth who hesitantly drank it. "You're adorable, Wise Girl." He cooed, ruffling her hair. She whined and looked away, realizing what she had done.

Percy wanted to laugh but that would be mean, so he didn't. Instead he grabbed a small teddy bear he bought for her, laying it in front of her. Annabeth stopped drinking her juice to examine the plush. She looked at Percy, who nodded, before grabbing it. She continued to feel the texture as Percy grabbed the juice so it wouldn't fall. She giggled as she saw the entire thing. It was light blue, obviously Percy bought it. And it was holding a dark blue heart. It was like one of those small bears you would buy for Valentines Day. It had a Sea tint to the smell. But that could of been the cabin.

"Do you like it, Angel?" Percy asked, fumbling with her new sippy.

"Uh-huh," she nodded, bringing it to her chest.

"Well I'm glad," Percy leaned over, kissing her forehead. "How about we color, huh? I have some pretty colors and an animal book."

Annabeth nodded and Percy once again dug through the bag. He pulled out an animal coloring book and handed it and a box of crayons to Annabeth. Annabeth grabbed them gratefully. Percy moved her back onto his lap and watched her color. She choose a picture with a cow with a barn room around it.

"Nice choice," he complemented, resting his head on her shoulder. She nodded and began to draw.

Percy thought that the colors she had choose were, odd to say the least. But it was a pretty picture. The cow was pink and brown, the hay was orange, blue sky, green barn. It was, in Percy's mind, adorable. Just like Annabeth. They might be together but sometimes it still felt like puppy love. Even with all the scary monsters. Now that Percy thought about it, what if Annabeth slipped during a quest? The page said her normally 1-2. And honestly, that would be terrifying. Half way in a battle with scary monsters and having the mental state of a young child? Percy's job as a caretaker just upgraded to defender. And his plan was to be the best at it. Uh, both defender and caretaker.

Annabeth poked his cheek with a questionable look. Percy snapped back into reality and gave his baby an awkward smile. Annabeth giggled and kissed his cheek. She showed him the picture and Percy grabbed the book.

"It looks amazing! Can I hang it on my wall?" Percy asked, getting a excited nod from Annabeth. "How about I write your name on here, Angel? So that I can always know who made it."

Annabeth thought for a second before handing him the yellow crayon. Percy wrote her name on it and tore out the page. Tapping the picture to the wall. He put the stuff back into the backpack and booped Annabeth's nose.

"Boop!" he exclaimed, making Annabeth giggle. He looked at the time, around three hours till dinner. Which usually took time between 6-9 before bed time at 10. "How about we have a nap, huh?"

Annabeth pouted and shook her head. Percy gave her the face of, 'You sure?' before fake yawning. Making Annabeth actually yawn. Ha! The curse of the yawns is good for something!

"Are you sure? You seem tired," he taunted a little bit. Annabeth opened to her mouth to argue but ended up babbling to him angrily. "Oh my gods you're adorable!" He awed, jumping onto her. Making them both end up laying down. "Alright, how about we cuddle? I know you like cuddling."

Annabeth thought about it before nodding. Percy smiled and switched their positions so that he was on his back and she was cuddling his side. She layed her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Percy played with her hair for a while until he heard soft snores. Of yeah, this was definitely adorable.

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