Little Leo

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Little: Leo

CG: Piper & Jason

Requester: @123982wpsstudentus    

"Leo come on!" Jason exclaimed as they hiked up a steep hill.

"I've got it!" Leo grumbled as he trailed behind.

"There should be a hotel a few streets up," Piper said as she tried to catch her breath.

It was raining, it was cold, and all three of them were muddy. They were sent on a small quest by Chiron to go get a certain object. So far, one of the worst days to go out and go quest. Everyone was in short sleeves, except Leo. Piper was wearing shorts. None of their outfits were warm either.

Over the hill was a town. Only a few people were out, all having umbrellas - dam their plan for the weather! - and all in warm clothes. Piper walked up ahead, trying to spot the hotel. Leo bite his thumb and followed closely behind Jason.

He felt tiny. Well, he's been feeling tiny this entire hike. It wasn't fun hiking in the cold while also trying to hold off your headspace! He wanted to slip once they got to the hotel but that didn't seem to be happening.

Leo grabbed onto Jason's shirt while they walked. Jason took notice and suddenly everything clicked. Sluggish movements, slow walking, not speaking much. Leo liked to hold onto people's clothes when they were walking anywhere. They didn't bring any little things with them. They could probably go and get some. But where in Hephaestus's hand grenade would there be a store with adult pacifiers? Especially in an area they had no idea where anything but a hotel is. And they barely know where that was!

"Come on, grab my hand baby. We don't want you getting lost now do we?" Jason asked as they were about to cross the street. Leo blushed but quickly grabbed his hand.

"Right there!" Piper exclaimed as she pointed to a building after they crossed.

"Alright when we go inside Piper and I are going to do all the talking okay?" Jason asked. Leo nodded and they went inside.

They almost didn't get a room. With how dirty and wet they were the person didn't want to give them service. Fortunately Piper charmspoke them into getting them a pretty decent one. Leo hide behind Jason the entire time. He couldn't lie anymore and claim that he didn't slip.

He felt terrible. He didn't mean to slip! He tried not to. Now Jason was being protective over him and treating him like a baby. Which was completely unfair to him! Not only that but he also seemed annoyed. Was it because he slipped?

"Let's get you cleaned up first. Do you need help him a bath or can you shower by yourself?" Jason asked as they entered the room.

"I-I can do it on my own!" Leo stuttered, trying to use a big kid voice. Piper noticed how both boys were acting but continued to look for more blankets. The hotel was freezing!

Leo couldn't do it on his own. He struggled getting the shower to a good temperature. He struggled actually washing himself. And he struggled with the clothes Jason had layed out for him. Seriously, who wears button shirts anymore for bed?

When he was done he was Piper laying in bed and Jason no where to be seen. There must of been another bathroom cause Piper was clean. That was probably where Jason was. She looked at him and smiled, sitting up in the process. She patted beside her. Leo frowned and hesitantly walked over.

"Heya bud!" Piper smiled as she booped Leo's nose. "Chan you tell me what's gotten you so upset?"

"Nuffing," Leo lied, looking away from her. Piper gently grabbed his head and lead his head back towards her.

"It's alright baby. You can tell Mommy what's bothering you. How else will she help solve the problem?" Piper asked.

"I-I slip durwing quest! An yoo feel like you has to take care of me when youz don'!" Leo cried. Piper rubbed his head and pulled him onto her lap.

"It's okay baby, let it aaaall out. We know you didn't mean to slip. But it isn't a bad thing. You usually slip on Fridays and your minds probably so use to it it went 'Aaah! Baby mode activated!'" Piper exclaimed, tickling Leo. He giggled and tried pushing her hand away. "Plus Mommy and Big Brudda love watching you. We aren't being forced at all."

"Forced to to what?" Jason asked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Oh nothing. Just a super important conversation that you completely missed!" Piper gasped as she flopped onto her back. The brought Leo with her, who rolled next to her.

"Whaaat? And you can't repeat it to me?" Jason asked as he crouched beside them.

"Nooo! Only a super conver- con- talk with Mommy and me!" Leo giggled, sticking out his tounge.

"Yeah!" Piper smirked as she threw a pillow as Jason.

Jason caught it but still pretended to get shot and fell to the floor. Leo looked over the bed, concerned for his safety, "I'm wounded! Quick, call the hospital!"

Leo giggled and crawled back onto the bed. Jason smirked and stood up, walking over to the two, "You know, I-I think I am being forced to do something."

"Oh? Like what?" Piper asked, prompting herself up with her elbows.

"Nothing important. Just this," Jason chuckled as he dove in between them. He started tickling both their sides, making both troublemakers burst into laughter. Laughter filled the entire room. Nothing could of been better.

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