Chapter 5

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"Jack come on,my parents won't be home."

This girl,don't remember her name,won't stop hanging all over me.

She's hot but she's one of those really annoying girls that thinks just because she's hot everyone will fall all over the place trying to please her.Maybe that works, for some people.But for me?Hell no.

I try to dodge her but she hurries to stand in my way before I can pass.

"Don't you wanna come over and have some fun Jack?"

Her eyes light up in a kinda cute way when she says fun.I consider her offer in my mind.Maybe I could go over to her place.It could be,as she says, fun.

I smirk to myself as I give her the once over.

I'm about to agree...when I glance over her head and I see Cam watching me with a snarky grin on his face.

I know exactly what he's thinking, I don't even have to ask to know.

He's thinking I'm gonna agree.

Problem is: he's right.

I wanna agree.

But if I do....the bets over.

Part of me says fuck it,bets over, no biggie.Just say yes,tell Cam to go fuck himself and mind his own buisness and go over to what's her names house for

I smirk to myself at that thought.

But then I glance at Cam again...and everyone else.

They're all watching me.

Aaron is looking around,trying to pretend he's not watching me but I can tell he is.Jacob looks really nervous actually,he's fiddling with his bracelet,twisting it around his arm.And Nash is standing near Cam,looks like he's trying to tell him something,he keeps whispering and looking...worried?

Part of me says fuck it.....but another part of me is too proud.

It's either tell him to fuck it and go have fun...or go through with the bet and prove Cam wrong.

I battle with myself for a couple seconds and then I sigh, more to myself than anyone.

"So what time you wanna come over tonight?"

I glance down at her and smirk.

She looks soooooo desperate,it's almost sad.

She bites her lip and I laugh slightly.

"How about....never?"

A funny look crosses her face and she opens her mouth to say something but I quickly take the oppurtunity to brush past her,hearing her scoff as I leave.

As i get closer to Cam he laughs.

"What's the matter Gilinsky? Didn't wanna make that booty call?"

I glare at him,thinking about punching him in the face.

Nash says something quietly to Cam but he just shakes his head.

"Don't forget what you have to do G. If i were you, I'd get busy because times ticking." He smirks as the last part and I glare more.

Before I have the chance to say anything Cam's stare goes over my head and an snarky smile crosses his face.

"Well....speaking of..."

I don't have to glance back to know what, or who, he's talking about.

But I do anyway.

I mean, if I'm supposed to go out with this kid I'm gonna have to look at him sooner or later.

Might as well get it over with I guess.

I turn and see him walking to his locker.

From here I can tell he's short,not too short but shorter than me by a lot.He's really pale and he has this blonde hair that sticks up all over the place.He's wearing black skinny jeans and a vans shirt.He almost looks cool.....but I know he's not.I know all the cool kids and he, well let's just say he's way far off from being one of the cool kids.

I hear Cam laugh behind me and I roll my eyes.

"Go on Gilinsky.Go talk to him.You'll have to sooner or later." He says the last part in a singsong voice and I wanna kick his ass right here and now, I don't care if we're friends or not.

I shake my head and start walking away,toward where he's standing.

Just as I'm passing him I feel someone shove me from behind.He turns,at that exact moment,and Bam!

He bumps into me and I trip over him,he groans and we both go down.

He's dropped all his stuff all over the floor and he's holding his head,like he has a headache.

Pfft, join the club.

"Sorry." He says quietly.

He starts gathering his books, his eyes on the floor.

"My fau-" He cuts off as soon as he looks up and sees it's me.When he sees me his eyes get a darker look, a meaner look.

I start to help him gather his books but he quickly grabs his stuff, taking some from my hands, looking at me with those mean eyes still.

He starts to get up and I stand up reaching a hand out to help him.He moves away from me and gets up himself.

"You don't have to be rude you know.I'm just trying to help you."

He glances up at me and scoffs.

"I don't need any help.Especially not from you."

The tone he says it in makes me feel like he slapped me, it's so cold.

Before I can open my mouth to say anything he turns and leaves,leaving me wondering why he's so mad at me when he does'nt even know me.

From behind me I hear a laugh, Cam's laugh.

"Nice going Gilinsky."

I roll my eyes to myself and sigh.At least now I know who pushed me.

I continue watching the boy walk away, the tone of his voice still in my mind.

I sigh again.

This is gonna be harder than I thought.

(A/N) hey babes!

So it's getting more interesting now.

They have officially spoke now hehe

So who do you think will fall first?


Love you love bugs 😘

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