Chapter 14

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I drive home and it's not till I get home and glance at the mirror do I notice I'm smiling.

I don't know why I am honestly.

I guess it's cause he agreed to go with me and after how he's been acting towards me,it's a lot.

Maybe he's starting to like me a little bit.

Maybe he doesn't hate me so much anymore.

Maybe I actually can win this bet.

I keep telling myself that's why I'm smiling,at the thought of proving Cam wrong.

But as I get ready,I think of that little smile I saw earlier.

He kept turning toward the window,as if hiding from me.

I keep thinking about that little smile,that small improvement,and the more I think of it,the less sure I am about the bet.

JJ's POV (that night)

I'd like to say that I didn't think about if this was a date,but I'd be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind.

I just couldn't figure it out.

I mean,he never said it was a date.But it kinda sounded like it was.

The way he asked,how nervous he seemed.It seemed like a date.But I'm really not sure and there's no way I'm gonna bring that up.

Despite the fact if it was or not,I still found myself nervous.

I mean I was going with Jack Gilinsky.

The very same Jack Gilinsky that slept around all the time.

The same one who was an asshole at school.

The same one who doesn't care about anyone but himself.

The more I think about it maybe I shouldn't go.

I mean why am I?Why should I go?

He wouldn't care if I didn't.

He wouldn't care at all.

If he showed up and I decided not to go he wouldn't care at all.He'd probably just be all cocky and brush me off,like he didn't really wanna go with me anyway.

I should just stay here.I could study or something.

I really don't thi-

The doorbell rings and I jump a little,my hand going to my chest.

Damn doorbell.

I bite my lip,wondering if I should just ignore him.

I really don't think I should go.

The more I think about this,the more stupid it seems.

Jack Gilinsky asking me to go to a party with him? That's just stupid.

I hear the doorbell again and I tug on my hair,sighing as I do.

I make my way over and slowly open the door.

I'm not sure what I was expecting when I opened the door,maybe him to be standing there with something to throw at me or him laughing because I actually opened the door.

I wasn't expecting him to be standing there,smiling softly as glanced up to stare at me.

Nope,that I was NOT expecting.

"Hey." He sounds nervous.

Whys he so nervous?

It's just a party,not like it's a date,right?

I have to question once again if it is.Though I really don't think so.

He's still staring so I smile quickly.


He rubs the back of his neck,nervously.

"You ready?"

He smiles softly again and suddenly I get this bad feeling that I shouldn't go to that party.

At least,not with him.

I bite my lip,wondering if he's gonna yell or be a jerk when I tell him.

I'm siding with being a jerk.

I sigh to myself.

"I can't go."

I was expecting a yell or a glare or something.

I WASNT expecting the almost sad look I got.

"What?Why not?" He sounds kinda dissapointed and I almost feel bad.


I'm not really sure why I'm not going,but I just don't think I should.

I really don't.

I shrug and avoid his eyes cause the look he has kinda makes me nervous,and....almost guilty.

"I just can't."

I quickly glance up and the look he has hits me hard.

I was NOT expecting a look like that on his face.

Maybe because I have NEVER seen such a sad,upset,disappointed look on Jack Gilinsky's face.

I shouldn't have looked up.

Before I can stop myself I do the stupidest thing and slam the door in his face.

Yep,I slammed it.Literally.

At first,I wanna laugh cause I bet I'm the first person to EVER slam a door in Jack Gilinsky's face.

But then I make another mistake and look outside.

He's standing on the grass,looking down at his feet with a confused look on his face,like he's trying to think of what he did wrong.

And then the feeling goes away and I just feel guilty.

How does he do that?!

How does he make me feel so guilty?!


I sigh and tug on my hair,watching as he slowly makes his way to his car.

I push it away but there's a part of me that almost runs out and tells him I'm sorry and let's go to the party.

But a bigger part says to let him suffer.

So that's what I do.

But as I watch him drive away,the saddest look on his face as he does,I don't think that was the best choice.

(A/N) thoughts?

Love you love bugs 😘

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