Chapter 18

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JG's POV (same day)

I've take many girls out and never had a problem.

I've met many girls parents and I was completely cool and relaxed.

I've gone to parties,dances,movies,proms,etc with many girls.

And I've never ONCE panicked or freaked out.


But now as I stand at the blonde boys door,getting ready to knock,I feel so nervous and panicked I wanna vomit.

I don't even know what's wrong with me.

I've never felt like this with any girl I've ever taken out,not even the ones I went with to meet their parents.

I mean come on,I'm just taking him to go see a movie.

Why am I so fucking nervous??

I mean I gotta admit,he does challenge me more than any girl I've ever been with.

He makes me work to be around him.

Maybe that's why I'm so nervous,knowing that if I screw up he'll get pissed and tell me off again.

Something that no girl has EVER done.

Maybe that's what makes me nervous.

I mean it can't be anything else,right?



I won't lie to you,I'm a wreck right now.

I'm insanely nervous and I hate it.

It's not cause I like him,cause I don't.

It's just first off,this is Jack Gilinsky.

I've said before why that makes me uncomfortable so I won't say it again.

Plus,I never get asked anywhere.

Whether it's a guy or a girl,no one, and I mean no one,ever asks me to go anywhere.

I've never been asked to parties or dances.No,not even the movies.

So I'm kinda freaking out that I was asked and the person to ask me was none other than Jack Gilinsky,schools biggest flirt and most popular guy.

Freaking out big time honestly.But shit,wouldn't you?

I still don't know why he asked me,still not sure what he's trying to gain.

I mean he must want something.Why else would he wanna be around me?

I don't even show up on his radar so why would he wanna hang with me?

These thoughts fill my head as I get ready,making me have a headache from all this.

Maybe I should cancel?

In the past I would have in a second.

But now?

I don't really want to.

I kinda wanna go and I'm not sure why.

Maybe I'm sick.I must be.

The doorbell ringing through the empty house awakens me from these thoughts and makes me bite my lip nervously.

I make my way downstairs,thinking if I should cancel.

But the second I open the door,my mind changes.

He looks up nervously and smiles that small nervous smile he has.

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