Chapter 29

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I'm in trouble.

Big,big trouble.

I realize this as he starts his little 'game',making me almost wish I didn't give in.


He pushes himself against me as he trails a finger across my jaw,making me moan a little.

He smirks and leans his head to my ear,placing soft kisses there.

My breathings getting harder and it hasn't even been a minute of this so called game.

I'm in too deep.



The fact that I made him moan but just by touching his jaw makes me feel excited all over.

I start placing small kisses near his ear,listening to his breathing getting hard.

And I'm just starting.

I reach a hand at the bottom of his shirt,trailing my hand slowly under to touch his skin.

As soon as I do he squirms.

You'd think I'd hurt him with the way he squirmed under my touch,but his soft moans tell me different.

I smirk and I slowly kiss my way down his face,nibbling gently on his jaw.

He moans and I feel him snake an arm around me.

I push it away and pull back,staring into his eyes which hold a confused look.

"You don't get to touch me." I smirk,watching as this pained look comes across his face.

He opens his mouth to speak but I place my finger over his lips,silencing him.

"You wanna play the game or not?" I lean against him,licking my lips as I look at his.

He nods quickly and I smirk more.

"Then you can't touch me." I whisper.

He looks like he might object but I quickly go to his neck,kissing my way down again.

He squirms against me,letting out a low moan,which only excites me more.

My hand travels up his chest,rubbing circles into his skin which feels hot under my touch.

I kiss down his neck,listening to his breathing as it gets harder.

Then I nibble,just barely on his neck and his body kinda jumps against me.

I laugh and whisper against his skin

"You like that?"

He nods so fast it makes me laugh more as I nibble harder.

He tries to pull me closer but I push his hands away.

"Nuh uh.Remember the rules."

He let's out a small whine which is so cute I melt a little.

I pull my hand from his shirt and grab his face,turning it a little so I get better access to his neck.

His eyes lock with mine for a second and I smirk at him,going down and licking up his neck.

He let's out such a low moan I feel so turned on it's not even funny.

"Does that feel good Jack?" I whisper in his ear,nibbling it slightly.

He nods,his chest heaving heavily.

"How good?" I go back to nibbling on his neck,feeling goosebumps rise up.

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