Chapter 42

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The hot water feels good running down my back.

I haven't been able to sleep since 3,I've just been watching him sleep.

He looks so peaceful when he's asleep,so beautiful.

Whys he have to be so beautiful?

My eyes hurt from crying last night,couldn't help it.Once I started it kept up for awhile.

Thankfully he didn't wake up.Would have been hard to explain if he did.

I really don't wanna go to school today.

It's just seems like a really bad idea honestly.

I wanna just stay home with him,kissing him and touching him.

But I know he'll say we can't and make that cute little pout face and bite his lip and I'll just melt and do whatever he wants.

There's no point in arguing with him when he does that pout,I'll lose everytime.

I sigh,turning the water hotter.

He likes warm showers,sometimes cold.I prefer it hot,burning even.

It makes me feel better.

Things like that,little things like that,make me smile to myself.

It's funny to think how I passed this boy so many times in the hallway,never even noticing him before.

And now?

Now I can't go a day without needing to see that beautiful face,those eyes that sends sparks through me.

I sigh again,running my hand through my hair.

"You okay?"

A perfect voice shakes me from my thoughts,making me come back to reality.

I must have been so deep in thought I didn't even hear him.

He's holding the curtain open slightly,leaning against the wall as he stares at me with a soft expression.

"Did I wake you baby boy?" I ask,looking over his beautiful face.

He shakes his head slowly.

"I was up."

He frowns softly.

Are you okay babe?" He asks,worry in his voice.

I nod,turning around so he can't see my face as I frown.

"Yeah why?" I gulp,my head hurting.

"Just...checking." He says in a tone I can't describe.

I sigh to myself,hearing the curtain open more and then close.

I feel a pair of hands travel down my spine,my whole body shivering down to my toes.

I feel him press against me,leaning his head against my back.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks so quietly I almost miss it.

Quilt will kill me I swear.

I turn around,pulling him to me,wrapping my arms around him and holding him close.

I feel him relax into me,his arms going up around my shoulders.

I twist my fingers up in his soft hair,nuzzling my face in it where I press small kisses.

I feel him shiver despite the hot water,drizzling down his back.

I start pressing small kisses all over his face.

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