Chapter 37

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"Sorry about that.People pushing you know?"

He smiles slightly,looking down at me.

I just nod.

"It's fine."

He looks like he's gonna leave for a second but then he turns back to me.

"How come you're not in school?" He raises an eyebrow.

I shrug.

"Taking a personal day."

He nods like he gets it,smiling.

"School sucks huh?"

I nod.

"What about you,why aren't you in school?" I cock my head,raising an eyebrow like he did.

"Oh you know,personal day." He smirks and I smile a little.

"So uhh-

He sits next to me on the table,not too close but close enough to where I'm annoyed.

"You here by yourself?" He asks.

I shake my head,looking around to see if I see Jack.

"No I'm here with someone."

He nods,looking around for a second before he pulls out his phone.

I think for a second I see Jack but it turns out to be someone else,I frown.

"Huh,that's weird." He says more to himself it seems but I still hear it.

"What?" I ask,mildly curious.

(I always get like that.When someone's talking on their phone or texting and they say something out loud to themself,it makes me curious)

He shakes his head,staring down at the phone.

"Oh nothing.I guess Gilinsky didn't show up for school today."

He says like it's no big deal but as soon as I hear Jacks name my interest peaks.

I shrug.

"How'd you know? You're not there."

I look around for Jack but I still don't see him,kinda wish he'd hurry.

I miss him.

"His girlfriend just texted me that he didn't show up." He says,still looking down at his phone.

My heart freezes for a second and my stomach hurts at his words.

"His girlfriend?" I try to stay calm but I think it came out choked.

"Yeah his girlfriend.You've seen her I'm sure.Her names Mahogany,she's got that bright red frizzy hair and she always wear-

"Always wears cat ears?" I ask,my stomach churning.

He nods.

"Yeah that's her.She just texted me he didn't show today." He says.

I nod,like I care,my stomach hurting more now.

He stands up and looks down at me.

"Hey,if you see him would you tell him shes looking for him?"

My throat hurts and my heads pounding but I nod.

He smiles slightly down at me.

"Thanks.See you around."

He waves a little and turns to leave.

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