Chapter 31

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I bite my lip as I nervously make my way to the door.

Despite what happened yesterday, I can't help but be nervous picking him up for school.

I don't know,he just makes me nervous.

Not a bad nervous,just really really nervous.

I get to the door and rub the back of my neck.

Come on Jack,you basically made out on the couch yesterday,knocking on the door shouldn't be hard.

It's not I'm just....I don't know.

I run my fingers through my hair,thinking about his lips.

Even standing here I can't stop thinking about them,it's beyond frustrating.

I hear the door open and my head snaps up.

First thing I notice is he's wearing my shirt.

It looks big on him but he looks so cute I just wanna grab him and kiss him.


Second,I notice that he blushing the smallest bit.

It's very small,but it's there.

I've NEVER seen him blush,it's always me blushing.

So this fact makes me excited,hoping I'm the reason behind it.

"You're early." He smirks.

I blush,as usual,and look down.

I hear him chuckle and my heart soars.

"Missed me did you?" He asks,with a teasing tone.

More than you could possibly imagine...

I nod eagerly and he smirks again.

"Like my shirt? It's new." He winks and my heart speeds up insanely.

He only laughs,watching me.

"You hungry?" He nods his head toward his kitchen,cocking his head slightly.

I shake my head cause nothing I want is food related.

Unless you count the mint that his breath tastes like,that I definitely want.

He clicks his tongue.

"Too bad.I was gonna let you kiss me-

My head snaps up at that,so quickly my neck hurts but I don't care.

I only want his lips.

He turns,walking back inside.

"But I guess you don't want-"

"No wait!" I beg,walking inside quickly to follow him.

He spins,a cute smirk on his face,and backs me back into the door.

My breathings already hard.

He looks up at me,smirking.


I open my mouth but he pulls my face down,kissing me hard.

I kiss back,hungrily moving my lips against his.

I wrap my arms around his waist,pulling him as close as I can.

He kisses me harder,so hard my head spins and I moan.

He smirks against me and pulls back.

I whine,he smirks.

"Knew you were hungry." He winks and I blush,looking down at that beautiful face of his.

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