Chapter 60 (the end)

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"You have the biggest man hands I've ever seen."


"Your mouth smells like a dead animal."


"Your eyebrows are totally fake and everyone knows it."


"You're the sluttiest girl at school and your teeth always have something black in them."


"Your boobs look fake."

"You have a bigger mustache than half the guys at the school."

"I went out with your younger sister an hour after I went out with you and she was a better lay."




"Don't ever talk to me again Jack Gilinsky!"  Allison or Alicia or whatever her name is screams but I don't really care,I just rub my cheek cause fuck...her rings were huge.

She spins on her heel and leaves,big ugly sobs leaving her lips. I roll my eyes.

"Hey G,how's it going?"

Aaron comes up behind me and slaps my back,smiling like seeing me get punched in the face a billion times is oh so funny.

"Not bad,could be worse." I shrug.

"Yeah,you could have told the girls and the boys what you think of them."  Jacob says over my shoulder,laughing like this is the funniest joke in the world.

I roll my eyes again and smile.

"Shit up whitesocks, didn't ask your opinion."

"Yeah but my opinions free,you're lucky. Some people have to pay."

I shove him against the wall and flick him across the head,he only snorts.

"So...are you done?" Aaron asks.

I rub my jaw where three giant rings had just imprinted my jaw,thinking.

"Yeah,I think so. It fucking sucked."

"Really? It looked fucking hilarious."

"Show me where I asked whitesocks."

Jacob sticks his tongue out at me before looking across the hall,his eyes looking nervous suddenly.

"Uh oh."

I follow his gaze to see Cameron leaning against his locker,stuffing his books in one after the other.

We haven't talked since...well since he lost the love of my life at that party. Not that I miss him.

I glare hard at the back of his head,wishing it would explode into a billion little pieces. He must feel it cause he turns and we lock eyes and for a second...for a split second I swear I see regret. Regret or maybe hurt,whatever it is it's something that looks painful.

It reminds me of when we were younger and we had a fight. We'd argue and argue but when it was through he'd look at me sadly and I would stop being mad at him cause he was my best friend and I couldn't stay mad at him forever.

For a second I see that look in his eyes,but then it's gone and he glares back at him.

I scoff and roll my eyes,walking right past him without saying a word. I feel Aaron tense up like he wants to speak but doesn't and on my right I feel Jacob press closer to me.

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