Chapter 44

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I'm seeing spots.

Stars dance in front of my eyes as I try to take deep breaths,my chest on fire from breathing so hard.

I try to stand up but I can barely move my legs,I feel so weak right now.

I have to get to him.

I have to make him understand how sorry I am,how I really didn't want to hurt him.

How much I love him.

I stand up,my whole body aching and my head pounding.

I take off after the way he went,running so fast I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

But I don't care.

The fact that my baby boy hates me kills me,it hurts worse than anything I've ever felt.

I need him to listen to me,need him to understand everything.

I need him to see...just how sorry I am.


I slam the door hard enough to where the whole frame shakes violently.

How could I have been so stupid??

How could I have not seen it??

I should have KNOWN that he didn't wanna be around me,that he didn't care about me.

He's Jack Gilinsky.

The manwhore,the schools biggest douche,the guys who's broken a million hearts.

Why was I so stupid??

I should NEVER have gone against my better instinct.

Mrs.D was all "give him a chance,he may surprise you" and here I was,telling her no.

And then I did.

I gave him a chance and I let him in and I said things I've never said to other people.

Did things I've never done with anyone else.

I gave him a chance to prove he was different than I thought he was.I gave him such a chance that I did something stupid.

I fell for him.

God why the fuck did I do that??

Why didn't I see how it was all just a joke,a game,a lie?

Why didn't I see it??

I know why but I hate to admit it.

I'm just like all those stupid girls at my school,like all those idiotic girls.

I gave him a chance and let him near me.I even slept with him,more than once.

And then I fell for him and now I see it was all just a big joke.

It was all along.

It wasn't real.

At least...not for him.

I make my way upstairs,laughing at myself.

Who was I kidding?

I watched him at school for years,having girls drape themselves all over him as they pleaded for just a little slice of attention.

I watched as they got all dolled up,trying to win the heart of the most popular heartbreaker.

And then I watched as he used them and broke them down when he was done with them,breaking their hearts in his own hands.

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