Chapter 1

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I close my locker and head to math class.

I don't like math.

I'm good at it,but I don't like it.

As I walk the normal sounds of school fill my ears.

Kids laughing.

Some shouting.

Girls talking about who's dating who.

Guys talking about who they got lucky with last night.

Just another day in paradise.

Sense my sarcasm?

Anyway,schools not too bad for me honestly.

I'm a nerd but I don't really get picked on.

I'm one of those lucky nerds,the kind that don't get picked on cause no one really notices them.

No one really talks to me,unless they need something.

No one hangs out with me.

No one comes near me.

Sometimes I think I'm invisible cause I can't tell you how many times people bump into me and then look at me like they didn't even know I was there.

That works fine with me.Sure,sometimes it makes me sad.

But hey,it's better than being picked on all the time so I deal with it.

Anyway,it's not like I wanna hang out with anyone here.

The girls are all snooty,bitchy and just downright rude.Not to mention really slutty.

I'm not really into slutty honestly.

I know a lot of guys are,but I'm not.

And all the guys here,are jerks.

They only care about getting lucky and getting drunk.

I don't get lucky and I don't get drunk,so I'm out of the loop.

Fine by me,don't wanna hang out with them anyway.

As I make my way to math I hear a bunch of guys cheering near a row of lockers.

I glance over,a tiny bit curious,although I don't know why.

I know exactly what,or should I say,who it is.

Jack Gilinsky,the schools ladies man,is leaning against the locker making out with some girl with bright red frizzy hair.

His friends are all around him,cheering him on.

Gilinskys got his arms wrapped around her,whoever she is,and they're going at it like nobody's business.

It's kinda sickening actually,it's like just go get a room or something.

Suddenly he pulls away and laughs,turning to his friends.

"Who bet she wouldn't give in?"

One of his friends,think his name is Cameron,looked pissed and reached in his pocket,pulling out a $20.

"Shove off Gilinsky."

Jack only laughs and grabs the money.

"Not my fault.Told you she'd give in."

The girl,who by the way is listening to all this,wraps her arm around Jack and whispers in his ear seductively.

I don't know what she says but he shakes his head and looks all cocky.

"Sorry babe,but I'm not interested."

She looks upset and his friends howl with laughter as she stomps away,looking both upset and pissed off.

He just laughs and turns to his friends,giving them high fives and smirking like he's God or something.

I roll my eyes,not that anyone notices,and carry on to class.

Jack Gilinsky.

Thinks he's all that.

I honestly feel sorry for anyone who ever falls in love with him.

I pity them.

Cause Jack Gilinsky doesn't know the first thing about love.

And whoever does love him will just get a broken heart.

I laugh out loud,not that anyone notices.

Ah who am I kidding?

Who would ever fall in love with Jack Gilinsky?

(A/N) okay first chapter is up.


Love you all love bugs 😘

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