Chapter 15

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JG's POV (next day)

I try not to roll my eyes as some girl,whose name I don't remember,throws herself at me.

"Jack,are you listening to me?" She drawls out.

I groan internally.

No I'm not listening to you at all cause you're the most annoying person ever with your fake ass nails and your annoying laugh.

Of course I don't say that to her.I doubt she'd even listen to what she doesn't wanna hear.

She drapes herself against me and I almost groan out loud at how annoying she is right now.

"Come on,it'll be fun." She puts extra emphasize on the word fun and I visibly flinch.

Being as dumb as she is though,she doesn't notice.

She tries to kiss me and I can't take it anymore.I push her away and turn,running down the hall as quickly as I can without bumping into anyone.

I almost stop but I see the back of Cams's head so I quickly keep going,not really wanting to hear his shit today.

As I come to a stop the events of yesterday keep hitting me.

I thought I was making progress.I thought maybe he was starting to hate me less.

But when I went to get him for the party he said he couldn't go and slammed the door in my face.

It physically hurt but not as bad as it did emotionally.

For some reason,it really hurt when he didn't wanna go.I don't even know why but it did.

I sigh and lean against the lockers I'm standing near.

This whole thing is stupid.Why did I even do this bet anyway?

I'm not even gay!

I should just quit.But I can't.Then Cam will make a big deal and he'll NEVER let me live it down.

Not to mention what I have to do if I lose.

It takes me a second to think about that before I decide I WONT quit.

I will prove Cam wrong simply because I don't wanna lose.

And that's the ONLY reason.


"Jack dear,can you please put these up for me?I have to make a phone call."

Mrs.Dana gestures to a huge stack on a cart and smiles at me as I hurry to grab it.

"No problem Mrs.D."

She smiles at the nickname and opens her mouth to say something but the phone rings and she quickly goes to answer it.

One thing Mrs.Dana doesn't like is missing phone calls,ever.

I turn and make my way to the back,starting near the Z's cause that's where the most books have been taken from.

I pull up book by book and put them in their exact place.

I try to think of something else but eventually the silence makes me think of yesterday.

I keep thinking of that upset look Jack Gilinsky had when he left my house.

Why was it there?

What would he be so upset that I wasn't going to a party with him?

I mean we aren't friends so why the hell should he care if I didn't go with him?

What's he playing at?

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