Chapter 33

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I close my eyes against the brightness of the sun.

I groan slightly turning to stare at the alarm clock.


I sigh,sitting up.

I then realize that Jack's missing.

I look around the room but he's not there.

Did he leave?

The thought kinda hurts,especially after last night.

I get up,grabbing the first shirt I see,which just so happens to be the one he was wearing yesterday.

I smile at the thought.

Normally I'd be worried that my sister might see me but I know she slept at a friends house last night,so I don't bother putting on pants.

I make my way downstairs,where I hear a noise.

I stand on the stairs,looking toward the kitchen to see what it is.

Only to be greeted by a strange,but cute sight.

Jack's standing at the stove,sucking what I'm guessing is syrup cause I see pancakes,off his finger.

I lean against the wall,watching him.

He looks cute working in the kitchen,a focused look on his face as he cooks.

It's cute.

I walk the rest of the way down the stairs,quietly so he doesn't hear me.

When I get in the kitchen I walk over to him,standing behind him,and lean up to ask

"Whatchu doing?" I ask softly.

He jumps back and almost drops the bottle of syrup he has his hand,but he catches it clumsily.

How cute is he?

I laugh,looking at the stove.

"You don't have to cook for me,I already slept with you." I tease,glancing at him to see him watching me.

"Or have you forgotten last night?" I lean closer,winking up at him.

He blushes and shakes his head quickly.

"N-no! I just wanted to-

"Cook for me?" I smile up at him softly.

He nods and smiles back.

"What a gentlemen." I smirk.

He smiles nervously.

"I umm didn't know what you liked-

I move closer.

"So I made-

He breaks off,looking down at me standing so close.

He bites his lip and I smirk.

"You always this easy to fluster or I am just that good?" I tease,laughing when he blushes.

I roll my eyes and look over his shoulder.

"So do I get to eat or-

The words haven't even fully left my mouth before he turns,searching for a plate for me.

I smile,watching as he gets all flustered over me.

I walk up to the counter,hopping up on it,still watching him.

Once he's done he turns to me,a smile forming when he sees me on the counter.

"Waiting." I reach out a hand.

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