Chapter 58

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I knock,waiting for him to throw the door open and yell at me for the continuos knocking I've been doing for 5 minutes.

He went off with Mahogany and I've been panicking ever since.

I don't think she'd hurt him,Mahoganys pretty cool and pretty soft hearted.Of all the girls I've dated,she's definitely one of the best.

But I can't help but panic,panic about my sweet baby boy who seems as fragile as glass lately.

The slightest shove in the wrong direction and he might topple over,breaking into a million little pieces I'd spend forever putting back together.

I've been panicking since he left and I haven't stopped for a second,even now I'm on high panic as I stand on his front porch knocking.

"Baby boy?" I call,wishing he'd open even if it's just to yell at me

I wait for 5 minutes before the urge to break the door down starts to look really good in my mind.

I lift my foot,ready to kick the door down and make sure he's here and he's safe,but have a better idea.

I pull out my phone and scroll to the M section,looking for a number I haven't called in awhile.

I sigh in sadness as I wait for her to pick up,telling me he's safe and sound.

A soft voice answers after the third ring.


"Hey Mahogany,is he okay?" I don't even bother with nice formalities,my baby boys the only thing on my mind right now.

"Hey Jack."

She says softly,smile in her voice.

"Whatdya mean?" Confusion in her voice that makes me roll my eyes up.

"JJ,is he okay with you?" I ask,nervously waiting the answer and wishing she'd put him on the phone so I can hear his voice.

She's silent for a second,my nerves skyrocketing high.

"He's not with me."

My insides freeze,worry hitting me instantly.

"W-what do you mean he's not with you? Where else could he be M?"

My tone is angry and worried but I really don't care,it's getting dark and my babies not home or with her.

"I don't know Jack.I left and he was fine and-

"You left him?!" I practically scream over the phone,not really caring anymore at this point.

"Jack relax.He was fine and I'm sure he-

"Relax?! It's dark and he's not home,how do I relax?!"

I don't even wait for her answer before I hang up,rushing to my car quickly.

I get in and pull away from his house.

I'll drive up every street till I find my baby boy,no matter how long it takes.


I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

My legs ache,my whole body aches as my head pounds in my skull and screams for relief.

I wanna pass out from exhaustion and pain,both consuming my body and mind.

My phones dead or I'd call Jack to come pick me up,pick me up and take me home and sleep with me till my pain dissolves.

Maybe he's mad at me.

Maybe he wouldn't even answer.

Maybe he doesn't love me anymore.

Maybe he's moved on,tired of the bullshit I put him through.

Maybe he's only hanging around cause he pities me,pities how pathetic and small and weak I am.

Maybe,just maybe.

Regardless of all that I have to get to him,have to tell him something important.

Something I haven't said in what feels like forever.

(A/N) this is bad,not even a chapter




Anywhoooo I can't make everyone happy sadly 😩

I know some want this book to end before I go overboard and some want it to keep going

I have an idea but it'll turn all dramatic and shit like OA

I won't make it as long as OA but it'll be dramatic in some senses like it

I don't think I'm making sense

I know I bother you all with these notes but I just want y'all happy so I ask

Some people don't even bother

So I need you thoughts,comments are my drugs

Dramatic like OA in some senses or end it in like 3 chapters?

I promise to make the chapters longer btw

Also I want your opinions on something,I'm writing a book called Poison in my veins

I wanna know if it's good and should I write more books with this kind of writing

I'd love your thoughts on it if you don't mind

UGHH I gotta go

My heart hurts


Love my lovebugs😘

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