Chapter 35

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"Have I ever told you I don't really like surprises?"

He only laughs,pulling me along as I try not to trip over anything.

"Relax,we're almost there."

"If I trip and fall cause of this blindfold you got me wearing you better catch me."

He holds my hand tighter,lacing it softly with his.

"I promise to catch you." He says softly,making my stomach flutter.

"You better." I say sternly.

"I will!" He laughs.

After a couple more steps I ask

"Where are you taking me?We've been walking forever."

"We've only been walking for like 5min.We're almost there I promise."

"Uh huh." I say doubtfully.

He pulls me along more and after about another minute or two he stops.

"Are we here?" I ask,really wanting this blindfold to come off already.

"Yep." He says,unlacing his hand from mine.

I miss it instantly.

I wait for him to take the blindfold off but he never does.

"Am I supposed to keep this on or-

I break off when I feel him cup my face,bending slightly to connect our lips.

I smile and kiss back,wrapping my arms around his neck lightly.

He rubs his thumb against my cheek slowly,making me smile.

He pulls away and leans his head to mine.

"Is that a no or a yes?" I ask,which makes him laugh.

"Hold on."

I sigh and wait.

After a minute or two I feel his hands go up and untie the blindfold,slowly pulling it down.

The first thing I see is that slight smile that makes my stomach flutter and those eyes that make me feel weak.

The second thing I see,looking over his shoulder,is what looks like a picnic.

A blankets spread out and there's a basket sitting on it.

I smile slightly.

"A picnic huh? Trying to be all romantic?" I tease.

He frowns slightly.

"You saying I'm not romantic?"

He has this pouty face that makes me laugh.

"I didn't say that." I chuckle,kissing him quickly before pulling away.

"So what'd you make?" I ask.

He quickly goes over and opens the basket,pulling things out.

It makes me smile cause come on,how cute is he?

I walk over and sit down,watching him as he keeps pulling food out.

At this point,we could have a feast.

There's sandwiches(name a bunch of food you love)

"I didn't know what you wanted so I just made-

"You made all this?" I ask,raising an eyebrow.

He nods.

"Yeah?" He says it like a question.

I look over everything and I guess he thought I didn't like it cause he starts rambling.

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