Chapter 43

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Time seems to slow down and stop for a second as he just stares at me,that look of sadness scrawled across his beautiful face.

I open my mouth to explain but he turns and runs back the way he came.


I hear Cam sigh behind me but I don't give a single fuck.

I spring after him,running down the halls.

Thankfully,no ones here or else this would have been hard to do.

"Baby wait!" I yell after him,picking up speed as he runs faster.

He gets to the front door,shoving his body against them.

"Shit." I groan.

I shove through the doors and follow him,practically jumping down the stairs.

"Baby wait! I can explain."

I see him shake his head and I speed up,rushing up to him.

"Baby boy just listen." I say all out of breathe.

I try to touch his arm but he pulls away from me.

"Baby please,just listen to what I have to-

He spins so fast I jump back.

"You used me! For a bet!" He yells,his voice sounding so sad it kills me.

"Just let me expl-

"So that's what I am? A bet? A fucking bet?"

He starts to turn to leave but I rush in front of him,my heart hammering so fast it hurts.

"Please,just listen to me."

I reach a hand out to him but he pushes me away as he moves past me,my heart stinging at that.

"I can expla-

He spins and looks beyond angry.

"I don't want to hear ANYTHING you have to say.Leave me alone."

I feel like I can't breathe as he starts walking away from me.

I rush after him,grabbing him by the hand.

"Don't touch me!" He yells,pulling his hand back like I burned him or something.

My heart hurts as he stares at me with a glare far worse than the one he had when I first started talking to him.

"You don't get to touch me anymore." He spits out,making me gasp at how cold his tone is.

"Baby boy I-

"Don't call me that." He narrows his eyes.

I feel tears threatening my eyes but I bite my lip,trying to control it.

"I don't even care about the bet.I just want-"

The anger suddenly leaves him as his whole face breaks down,such a pained expression on his face that I feel like I can't breathe.

"I slept with you.I gave something to you I never gave anyone."

My chest hurts as those beautiful eyes fill up with more tears.

"How could you do that to me?" He whispers,tears running down his face.

His beautiful face...

My heart feels like it's gonna explode as tears fall down my face now.

"Baby boy I didn't-

"Don't call me that." He shakes his head,frowning at me.

I'm having problems breathing as I stare into those eyes,filled with tears.

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