Chapter 7

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JG's POV (next day)

The bell for lunch rings out and brings me back from daydreaming about that girl last night.

I can't remember her name.Jasmine? Janice? I don't know,something with a J.

Anyway,last night I didn't wanna go home so I went to hang out at this little place,near where Nash lives.

I walked in,our eyes met and BAM,about an hour later we're at her place making out on the couch.

It was great,if only I could remember her name. Jessie? Josie?

Ugh whatever,who cares.

My locker closes,I glance up to see who it is and roll my eyes.

"So how's it been going with lover boy?" Cam laughs at his own stupid joke.

"Go away Cam." I roll my eyes again,turning to leave.

He rushes to stand in front of me,blocking my exit.

"What's the matter? Doesn't he like you? I mean,how could he not?" Cam smirks,happy with this whole situation.

I wonder how long it would take for me to smack that smirk off his face.

Cam laughs loud and I scoff but then I follow his eyes to see what he's laughing at.

I kinda wished I hadn't looked.

It's that guy,walking to the cafeteria,head down as he does.

I watch for a second,rolling my eyes yet again when Cam laughs.

"You better get moving Gilinsky.He really doesn't like you and well- he smirks and I have to clench my fists not to punch him- if he doesn't like you,I DOUBT he'd ever love you."

He turns and walks off,turning to me and tapping his watch.

"Times ticking Gilinksy."

He turns and then he's gone.

I sigh and rub my head.

Why am I stressing bout this?It's no biggie.

I mean,he'll learn to love me.

Won't he?

But first he has to like me.Thats easy.

He'll like me eventually,won't he?


I grab my tray and make a beeline to the back,where the losers hang out.

I must be bad luck though,as soon as I sit a whole bunch of them leave.

Well fine.I didn't wanna sit with you anyway.

Why is it there's not one single person I get along with in this school?

I'm not asking for a bunch,shit I'd settle for one.

Just one person who I can get along with.

Just one person who I can talk to.

Just one person who will listen to me and care what I say and-


"Mind if I sit here?"

I glance up to see,surprise, Jack Gilinsky.

Oh great.

I ask for one person to talk to and I get King of the whores.

I don't think God even listens to me anymore.

I glance up again and he's staring at me,I guess waiting for an answer.

Don't know why,he's already sat down without an invitation.He shouldn't need one now.

"Hello?" He asks,looking a little pissed.

Maybe if I ignore him he'll go away.

I push the gross mashed potatoes around my plate,trying to ign-

"Are you purposely ignoring me or don't you hear good?"

So much for him going away.

I look up and glare.

"My hearing is fine."

"So you're just ignoring me?"

I point my fork at him,smirking slightly.

"Look at you figuring it out."

He glares and I smirk again before going back to my tray.

"So do you always eat here?"

Is he gonna try to talk to me now?Oh god,I hope not.

I pull out my history book and start looking through it,ignoring the stare I can feel coming from him.

"You always bring your books with you to lunch?"

"You always ask this many questions?"

From the corner of my eye I see him glare and I can't help but laugh to myself.

He's fun to piss off.

He looked down at his tray.

Thank God,maybe he'll shut up no-

"Do you always buy lunch?"

I snap my head up so fast he looks a little taken back.

"What is this,an interrogation?" I say,colder than I meant to.

He looks confused.

"What?No,I'm just aski-"

"Well stop."

Now he looks pissed.

"What's your problem?"

I glare at him.

"I already answered that.Or are you just too stupid to remember?"

His mouth gaps open and I take my opportunity.

I grab my books and my tray,walking over to the trash can to throw it away.I leave the cafeteria,wanting to get as far away from him as possible.

Before long I can hear him following me.

And he sounds pissed.

"What is your problem with me?You don't even know me."

I laugh slightly.

"Right,I don't know you."

He's getting closer behind me but I don't stop,nor do I care if he catches me.

"You don't know me so don't act like you d-"

I spin so fast on my heels he looks really surprised.If I wasn't so pissed I woulda laughed.

"I do so know you Jack Gilinsky.You're a man whore who doesn't care about anyone but himself.The only thing you care about is getting laid,popularity and hanging out with the right crowd.You don't care about anyone's feelings but your own.So don't tell me I don't know you.You're so readable it's sad."

When I'm done he's staring at me with a mixture of anger and....hurt?

He opens his mouth to say something but I stop him.

"So excuse me for not wanting to talk to you and unless you can make me change my mind- I glare up at him- that's NOT going to change."

He looks down at me,with an unreadable expression on his face.

I'm expecting him to say something but he doesn't,just looks at me.

I roll my eyes and turn to leave,before he has a chance to follow.

(A/N) ooohhhh sassy JJ is my boo

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What's your fav song on Jacobs EP? If you've heard it

Also,which story do you want me to update next?

Love you my baby love bugs 😘

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