Chapter 39

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I barely slept last night.

My mind kept going in circles and thinking of this stupid bet,making me sick to my stomach.

I kept trying to watch him,to focus only on him as he breathed slowly in his sleep.

But whenever I stared at him I keep hearing those words he said last night.

"I love you too."

While a part of me felt happy,happier than I could explain,a part of me felt sick.

Cause when he said that I couldn't help but picture Cameron,smirking and saying you won G.

Which was what I was afraid of now.

I sighed and gave up trying to sleep at around 4,so I just lay there awake,my mind running around.

At around 5 he tossed and turned,making cute little moan noises that made me smile.

I pushed against him and kissed his head softly,hearing a happy little sigh come out.

I smiled,glancing at the clock behind him.

I'd rather stay I'm with him all day but I know since we skipped yesterday he'll argue with me about this.

So I sigh,getting up and heading downstairs to make him breakfast.

I rub the back of my neck nervously as I make my way downstairs.

I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I don't even hear someone in the kitchen till I hear a slight laugh and someone say

"Hello handsome."

I jump slightly,looking up to be greeted by a girl staring at me while she sits on the counter eating cereal.

"Sleep well?" She cocks her head and smirks.

It reminds me so much of JJ,although he makes me melt when he does it.

"I guess you did.I didn't hear any loud moans or grunts." She wiggles her eyebrows and I can't help but laugh.

"Uh yeah I did? You?" I ask,walking closer to stand at the stove.

"Like a baby." She smiles.

I turn to the fridge,trying to think of what to make for my baby boy.

I feel her staring so I turn and she smirks.

I just now realize I'm not wearing a shirt,which isn't a big deal but I still roll my eyes slightly when she smirks again.


She says,pulling her knees up and resting her head on them as she watches me.

"You and my brother huh?"

I pull out some eggs,smiling slightly when she mentions him.

"Yeah,is that a problem?"

"No,I just wouldn't picture it for him.Especially with you."

I frown and turn to her,seeing her watching me with a focused expression.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She smirks.

"You're Jack Gilinsky." She says as if that explains everything.

I shrug.


She rolls her eyes,she looks so much like him it's scary.

"I just never pictured you for liking guys.You seem to only like those annoying ass whores that constantly trail around you."

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