Chapter 23

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"Let's go swimming." He says in that soft,sweet voice of his.

I glance up to see him smiling at,his eyes wide.


He crosses his arms and walks closer to me,making my heart beat faster with each step.

"Why not?" He raises an eyebrow.

Umm because...

"I don't have a swimsuit." I come up with the stupidest excuse ever and mentally scold myself after.

He smirks and looks down at me.


He moves closer and my hearts going crazy right now,my breathings coming out kinda fast.

"So I don't wan-"

He plops himself down in my lap and looks up at my innocently.


"That's okay."

He leans closer,nesting up to me which makes my whole body tingle.

His hands start trailing down my chest and I bite my lip,thinking of all the things I could do...

"I don't have one either." He whispers in my ear,drawling out the words.

He runs a hand up to my neck and I can't take it anymore.

I quickly grab him and flip us,me towering over him as he looks up with innocent eyes.

"Did I make you flustered?" He smiles slyly.

He licks his lips and my eyes fall down to his mouth,watching in torture as he licks them over and over.

Painfully slow I might add.

I let out a moan and lean down,wanting to feel those soft lips against mine.

I lean down and....

I shoot upright in bed,my breathing so hard it's like I just ran a marathon.

I glance at the clock,seeing it reads 3am.

I run my fingers through my hair,trying to get my breathing under control.

Holy shit....

Did I really just dream that?

Oh man,I'm in serious trouble.


I decide to go for a walk this morning cause after I wake up I can't fall back asleep.

Lately I've had more trouble sleeping,which is weird for me.

I usually don't have a problem sleeping.

But lately...I don't know what is.

I just can't.

I sigh and get dressed,grabbing my phone and closing the door behind me as I leave.

I glance at my phone,seeing it reads 9:20.

Why did I have to wake up so early?

Why couldn't i have slept longer?

Well honestly I guess I know why I woke up so early.

Even though I almost hate to admit it,I'm kinda excited about today.

Jack Gilinsky asked me out.

This means that I get ALL day with him.

And there's a lot of ways I could torture him when I have all day.

I smirk at the idea.

Why am I teasing him?

I don't know,it's fun.He's so easy to fluster it's insane.

Just the littlest thing makes him blush and start looking all nervous.

It's kinda a non gay way though.

Speaking of that,do I like him like that?

No,of course I don't.

I mean,that's stupid.Right?

Why would I like him?

We're friends,if anything.

I do NOT like him.



I can't sit still.

I'm gonna go crazy but I can't sit still.

I grab my keys and head out the door.

I have to get out of this house with its stupid quietness and it's stupid slow clock.

Stupid house that he's not in.

Stupid house with my stupid bedroom that I dreamed of him in.

Stupid,fucking boring house that I'm going crazy in.

I get in my car and start it.

I bite my lip hard,focusing on the pain so I don't look at the clock.

It doesn't help though.I still look.


Ughh this clocks slow too.

Stupid clock.

Stupid car.

Stupid fucking car that he's not in.

I drive down the street,not going anywhere particularly.

I mean I WANNA go somewhere...but I can't show up that early.

I'd look desperate.

But isn't that what I am?


Come on Jack,snap out of it.You're acting like a fucking lovestruck idiot.Stop being so desperate.

I drive up and down the street.

The stupid empty street that he's not on.

I glance at the clock again.


Why are the clocks so fucking slow?!

Is it just my clocks?

I need to buy new ones.

I turn on his street but I stop myself quickly and turn back.

Jack snap out of it! You're acting like a stalker,stop.You don't wanna see him that bad.

Do you?

Holy fuck...

I'm in serious fucking trouble.

(A/N)sorry babes

Short chapter cause super busy today.

I may not be able to update this again till like Tuesday :(

But I will try to update again today if y'all really want I promise


Who's falling?

Love my love bugs 😘😘

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