Chapter 21

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I make my way over to the couch,feeling his eyes on me as I move.

I can tell he's nervous to move,from the corner of my eye I see him looking around nervously.

"I don't bite you know." I smirk over at him.

That blush creeps up again and I can't help but add

"Unless you're into that."

The look on his face is both nervous and flustered.

And maybe...excited?

I laugh softly and his eyes shine a little,making my stomach feel strange.

I flip the channel,it stopped on a program to buy jewlery and honestly there's nothing more boring than that.

I feel the couch dip as he sits down,on the other side from me.

I roll my eyes.

We sit in silence for a couple minutes,me changing the channel every so often.

I feel him staring at me so I turn to see,he quickly looks away.

I hide a smirk.

"I'm bored." I blurt out,turning to see his expression.

He frowns,like its his fault.

He opens his mouth to say something but I move a little closer and that shuts him up real quick.

"Entertain me."

He cracks a nervous smile and tries to sound relaxed but I know he's not.


I shrug and move closer.

His eyes look down,watching as the space between us disappears.

"Think of something." I say softly.


"Think of something." He says in such a soft voice it's almost a whisper.

I stare at him,watching as he cocks his head.

Oh I could think of a couple things...

Shit,why am I thinking like that??

I see him move closer and I feel funny,especially when he starts biting his lip.


Why does he do that?

Is he trying to torture me?

Shut up Jack,he probably doesn't even realize you're making him flustered.

"Still bored over here." He smirks and moves closer.

If he moves any closer...

He rolls his eyes and looks over my head.

"Hand me that book will ya?"

I look over my shoulder to see some school book.

Was he studying earlier?

Doesn't matter I guess.

I grab it and turn back to him,gasping out loud.

He's pretty quiet,so quiet I didn't even hear him move so close.

How close?

Close enough to where our heads are almost against each other.

If I leaned forward just a little...

"Are you okay?" He asks,wide eyes looking so innocent.

I don't say anything,I'm not even sure I could talk right now honestly.

"You look kinda-"

He leans closer,near my ear.

I can feel his breathe as he just sits there,and it's kinda fucking torturous.


He moves his hand and it brushes near mine,making me feel tingly all over and my eyes close.


He whispers in my ear,sending chills through me.

I bite my lip,wanting nothing more than to pull him close to me.

He leans back and stares at me,innocent looking eyes.

Big,blue eyes...

He bites his lip and I can't help but watch,fascinated by those lips.

Those soft looking lips....

"I know what we can do." He whispers,moving closer.

My hearts beating seriously fast right now and I feel like I can't breathe as he licks his lips slightly.

I bite my lip before a moan comes out.

"Wanna know?" He cocks his head.

I nod furiously and keep my gaze on his lips.

"Why don't we...."

I bite my lip harder,watching him.

"Go to the mall." He says.


The mall?

"T-the mall?"

He moves back and nods.

"Come on."

He smiles softly and stands up,heading to the door.

I get up and follow,my mind still thinking of his lips.


I'm in some serious trouble.

(A/N) I had to add the pic cause 😍😍

I fucking love JJ as a tease like seriously

I'm sorry if you don't but I fucking love it


Love you all love bugs 😘

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