Chapter 17

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We walk in silence.

Honestly it bugs me.Usually I like silence,especially comfortable silence.

You know the kind where you're with someone and neither of you has to say anything cause you're both comfortable just being quiet?

Well this is nothing like that.

This is that I really should apologize for being rude but I don't know how so neither of us is talking kind of silence.

He doesn't say one word,just walks alongside me with his hands in his pockets and his eyes on the ground.

It getting a little annoying honestly.

So I roll my eyes to myself and decide to break this horrible silence we have going on.

"I didn't see you in school today."

Really Jack? That's what you came up with?

I know it's stupid but I couldn't think of anything to say and that was the first thing that came to mind.

He shrugs and still won't look up.

"I've been around." He says quietly.

I nod and look at the ground as I walk.

I wish he would just talk like he normally does,asking me all the annoying questions that tick me off.

But I know he won't and I know it's my fault.But what am I supposed to say?

Sorry for being a jerk but you're always a jerk so it kinda fits? Yeahhhh I don't think that'll work.

I glance at him from the corner of my eye,seeing him looking nervous.He looks like he wants to talk but doesn't know what to say.

Soo I guess it's up to me to do all the talking?


Remind me why I came on this walk again?

I mentally sigh and say the first thing I think of.

"Why'd you wanna go for a walk with me?

Okay that might have not been the best thing to say,especially after I see him flinch a bit.

He shrugs slowly.

"I don't know."

I raise an eyebrow,though he's not looking so he doesn't see.

"You don't know?"

He shrugs again and kicks a stone with his shoe.

He watches as it rolls away.

I watch him watch it and then get annoyed.I move to stand in front of him and he bumps into me,gasping as he does.

He backs up and looks down again and I blurt out,kinda rudely I'll admit,

"Are you planning on talking or are you gonna be silent the whole time?"

I cross my arms and wait for an answer but all he does is shrug,keeping his gaze down.

I scoff and move closer,close enough to where he has to look at me now.Well,look down at me cause he's taller but still.

"What's the matter,cat got your tongue or something?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

He doesn't say anything,just stares at me.

And I don't know what it is....

Maybe it's the way he's staring,like he's searching for something on my face or he's studying me.

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