Chapter 40

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"Babe you have to let me go to class you know."

My angel laughs,smiling up at me as I press kisses all over his beautiful face.

"No I don't.I could keep you here and do this." I say,pressing soft kisses on his cheeks.

He laughs.

"We can't just skip class cause you wanna kiss my face." (boyfriend like this please 🙏)

He runs his hands down my arm,sending delightful shivers through me.

"Yes we can." I say as I kiss slowly down to his neck.

"Babe...we're at school." He breathes out and I can hear this happy little moan escapes his lips.

"I really don't care." I whine,pulling him closer as he wraps his arms lightly around me.

"But I do." He sighs sadly and slowly pushes me away,looking up at me.

I whine and he smirks.

"You'll see me at lunch babe,relax." He kisses my head softly,I lean into him.

"But that's too long." I pout.

He throws his head back and laughs.

"You're so cute when you pout." He winks,making me blush slightly.

I wonder if I'll ever stop doing that.I doubt it.

"But seriously I gotta go to class." He starts to leave but I bite my lip hard,thinking.

"You forgot something."

I pull his hand back and he kinda gasps when I pull him back so fast,pushing him up against the lockers again.

"Babe what are you-

He cuts off when I attach my lips to his neck,sucking hard on the spot he loves so much.

He moans loud and pushes up against me,tangling his fingers in my shirt as he leans his head back more.

I nibble and suck,making sure to put extra pressure on the spot that drives him crazy.

"Jack." He moans breathlessly,tangling his fingers up in my hair.

I hum softly against his neck before pulling back to admire my work.

It's not a big bruise,but it's definitely noticeable.

I kiss it softly and he shivers against me.

"What was that for?" He asks,his breathing still hard.

I lean my head against his,listening to his heart beating fast.

"Now everyone knows you belong to me." I say.

He shivers against me again and a small moan escapes.

"Oh yeah?" He asks,slight excitement in his voice.

I nod.

"To me and only me."

He bites his lip and nods,still breathing hard.

"I uhh gotta go." He flusters out and I gotta admit,seeing him flustered turned me on some.

I've never seen him flustered,at least not the way he makes me flustered.

So this is new...but I like it.

I nod,kissing his head softly.

"I love you." He whispers,making my heart beat in excitement and my stomach hurt in pain.

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