Chapter 52

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My heart hurts as he walks past me,his eyes ignoring me as if last night didn't happen.

I don't know what happened at that party,he wouldn't tell me.

I tried to ask but he just whimpered sadly,squeezing into me as he breathed in my neck.

I wanted to know what happened,needed to know who it was that made my baby boy so scared.

He was terrified,terrified and vulnerable.

Whoever made him like that was gonna pay.I don't care who it was,they were gonna pay for making my baby as scared as he was.

But he wouldn't speak,no words were said.

I just held him tightly,my fingers wrapping in his hair as I rubbed his head as he whimpered and sighed.

If he spoke at all he only said

"Just for tonight." Or "tighter Jack."

His heart was beating so fast and it made me scared if I should even let him sleep.

But the tighter I held him the more he relaxed,his heart beat relaxing with him.

And now?

He's ignoring me in school like it didn't happen,like he didn't wrap himself against me like he was afraid I'd leave him.

He's ignoring me and I feel like crying and screaming at the same time.

Why does he do that?

Doesn't he see it hurts?

Maybe that's what he wants though,for me to be hurt.

Fuck,if that's what he wants he got it.

I'm hurting beyond words,I can't even describe how much I'm hurting.

The only thing I want right now is to run up to him and grab him,kissing his face as I run my hands down his back.

I wanna feel him wrap his arms around my neck as goosebumps crawl up his arms when I kiss his jaw.

I want to hold him so much,and he just ignores me.

If he wants me hurting,he's got it.

I've never hurt more in my life.

Is that what he wants?

Cause he's getting it.


I bite my lip as I rub my head,my headache returning.

My heads been hurting a lot today and it's annoying me honestly.I can barely get work done cause it hurts so bad.

I almost go to the nurse but I decide against it,she'll just give me pills that don't help.

The only thing that helped me was last night,having jacks arms around me as he kissed my head repeatedly.

Strangely that was the only thing that made the pain stop,made it disappear.

I didn't feel any pain when he held me,only comfort and bliss.

I still don't forgive him,it's not that easy.

I'm starting to though,starting to slowly care less and less about the fact of the bet.

I guess I'm an asshole. I just want him to suffer like I did,feel how hurt I was.

Don't judge me.

You'd probably do the same,want someone to hurt after they hurt you so badly.

You'd be the same way and if you say you wouldn't you're lying.

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