Chapter 46

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JG's POV (next morning)

2 days.

It's been 2 days since he's found out about the bet.

2 days since I've seen that smile I love so much on that face I adore.

2 days since I've been able to touch him,any part of him.

2 days since I've kissed those lips that are sweeter than any candy in the world.

2 days since I've slept with him in my arms.

2 days and I can't handle it.

I feel like I'm going through withdrawal,withdrawal from something more addicting than drugs.

I can't handle it,it hurts too much.

I've never felt this way about,well,anything.

No ones ever made me feel this lost,this broken.

This dead.

I can't take it.

I can't.

I just-

The sound of the door opening above me makes me spring up instantly.

He looks up at me,an annoyed look on his face.

"Did you sleep here?" He asks,looking up at my hair,which is probably a mess.

I nod quickly,looking down at that beautiful face.

"Why?" He sounds annoyed.

My heart hurts at the tone of his voice,my stomach twisting up at the pissed off look on his face.

"I missed you." I say quietly,looking down at the ground.

He rolls his eyes and moves past me,ignoring me.

I hurry after him.

"I brought you breakfast." I say catching up to him,showing him the bag of chick-fil-a that has his favorite order.

He ignores me,walking faster a little.

"Would you just take it?" I push it towards him a little,wanting him to take it.

I know he won't let me take him to school,when I ask he just glares.

I'm hoping he can at least take the food,just this small thing would make me feel better.

He still won't say anything,just walks with his head down.

I quickly move in front of him,my skin shivering when he bumps into me.

He pulls away as if I hurt him and I visibly flinch,but I don't think he cares.

"What do you want Jack?" He ask,his voice sounding pissed and flat and that only makes me flinch again as my stomach twists up.

I push the bag toward him.

"I just want you to take this." I say quietly,looking down at him sadly.

He looks annoyed but he takes it and for a second I feel hopeful.

Sure,it's small and stupid,but it feels like he hates me a little less.

But then he turns and walks away and I watch as he comes to his neighbors trash can,opening the lid and dropping it in.

My heart feels like he dropped it in as well.

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