Chapter 27

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"Hey lover boy wait up!"

I roll my eyes and try not to make a run for it.Couldn't get away anyway,nowhere to run to.

Cam comes up,slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"So how's it going,you have any luck with your little...project?" He smirks.

I flinch.

"Don't start." I say,shrugging his arm off me.

Cam grins slyly.

"Aww what's wrong? He not falling for you?" He play frowns and I wanna just smack him.

I walk faster,hoping he'll get the message and leave me the fuck alone.

But of Course he doesn't.

"What's wrong G,he not falling for your charm?" He laughs and I have to clench my teeth to keep from punching the shit out of him.

"Cam I swear if you don't shut the fuck up..."

He raises his hands in surrender.

"Hey don't be mad at me.Not my fault I was right." He smirks again.

I spin and grab him by his collar,shoving him against the nearest row of lockers.

"If you don't shut your big mouth I swear you're gonna regret it Dallas." I say through clenched teeth.

He glares and shoves me off him.

"First of all,don't touch me.Second,what's got you so pissed?You know I'm right." He semi smirks and looks at me confused.

I roll my eyes at him and turn away from him.

"You know you're gonna lose." He calls after me.

I try to ignore him...but a small part of me knows I already have.

I'm beyond screwed.


I glance up when I feel someone watching me,only to be greeted by a nervous looking Jack Gilinsky.

I smirk.

"Can I help you?" I raise an eyebrow.

He gets this confused look on his face and bites his lip.

It hits me really hard and I feel so weak it's not even funny.

He stands there,looking scared that I'm gonna tell him to go.

How cute is that,seriously?

I smile up at him,watching him closely.

"So are you gonna stand the whole time or what?"

He quickly sits down,looking relived that I didn't tell him to go away.

He doesn't say anything,but when I start eating I feel him watching me.

It makes me nervous.

I glance up and he quickly looks away,looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

I smirk to myself.

I wait till he starts eating before I move my foot slowly up his leg.

Playing footsie (is that what people call it?) under the table? So cliche,I know.

But his reaction was so perfect I couldn't help but smile.

I continued moving up,listening to his sharp intake of breath.

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