Chapter 3

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The bell sounds so I make a beeline to the cafeteria,checking out some girls here and there.

One girl,I think her names Serena,flashes me a pouty little face and tries to act cute.I wink at her but I don't really care.

I walk in the cafeteria and go through the line,grabbing whatever.

I head over to the table where me and my friends always sit.

When I get there they all stop talking and stare at me.

Did I miss something?

"What?" I ask them.

Cam looks away,Nash shrugs,Aaron stares at his phone likes it's the most interesting thing ever.

Even Jacoob,who doesn't like secrecy or gossiping,doesn't say anything to me.

What the hell did I miss?

"What the hells wrong with you guys?"

It comes out harsher than I meant it but I don't care honestly,I DONT like being talked about behind my back.

I sit down,kinda slamming my tray a little as I do.

Aaron jumps slightly and keeps his eyes glue to his phone.

Alright,one of them better start talking or I'm gonna get pissed.

I glance around the table.

Nash is chewing his food slowly while Cam is sipping his coke.

Aaron is still on his phone.

Jacob is trying not to look at me,he's fidgeting in his seat a little bit while keeping his head down.

I smirk to myself.

Jacobs my best bet,he'll break first.

"Jacob you better start talking."

He fidgets again but doesn't crack.

"If you don't tell me....I'll tell Angelina you like her."

As soon as I say that his head snaps up and he looks shocked,pissed and scared all at once.

He looks like he doesn't believe me but I smirk and his face falls a little,and I know I got him.

"Jacob don't you da-" Nash starts but Jacobs already talking.

"Mary Anns spreading a rumor that she's pregnant and you're the dad." He blurts out and then looks away.

All the guys look at me like they're waiting for a reaction, a bad one.

I just laugh cause Mary Ann has got to be the stupidest girl ever.

They're all looking at me like I'm crazy and I try to catch my breath,I'm laughing that hard,to say "well that's pretty amazing,considering I never slept with her."

They look at me confused and I shake my head.

"I've never slept with Mary Ann.Shes too,what's the word,easy."

Nash smirks at me and Aaron looks up from his phone,finally and grins slightly.

Jacob looks relieved that all the pressure is off him.

The only person who doesn't look happy or is laughing is Cam.

"Why do you say that?"

I glance at him confused.

"Say what?"

"That she's too easy."

I shrug and start eating.

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