Chapter 9

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JJ's POV (next day)

I try to balance the books I'm carrying before they fall over as I make my way to the S section.

When I used to get bullied a lot I used to come help Mrs.Dana organize and sort the books in the library.

I used to only come when I was getting bullied.Now,I come whenever I can and whenever I want.

"Jack,when you're done can you come up here?"Mrs.Dana calls out.

Mrs.Dana is one of those middle aged women who listens to hippy music and dresses like she's in the 50's.

A lot of people think she's crazy but I think she's colorful and funny.

"Yeah be right there."

I organize the books and make my way to the front,running my fingers through my hair.

As I get closer to the front I can hear her talking to someone.

"I'm sure he'd be happy to help you find these." Mrs.Dana says.

I get to the front and Mrs.Dana says

"Jack dear,can you help him find these books?"

As soon as she turns I feel my eyes go wide,my jaw drop slightly and an annoyance building up.

It's none other than,surprise surprise,Jack Gilinsky.

Of all the people to wander in here needing help,why does it have to be him?


I glance up at him and he smiles slightly at me,making me roll my eyes.

Mrs.Dana sees this and she comes closer.

"Be nice Jack dear." She whispers.

I'm about to ask if she's crazy cause I mean,come on.


He's a dick.

I honestly don't even know why he's here,he doesn't care about books or libraries.Or projects for that matter so the reason he's here is unknown to me.

But before I can tell her anything the phone rings and she rushes to answer it.

I'm thinking about just turning and leaving.I don't care if he finds his books or not.

But she sees me hesitating and she gives me that look that means 'I mean it.'

I sigh to myself and motion for him to follow me.

I turn and I can hear him following me closely.

It kinda bugs me.

"Do you have to stand so close to me?"

He looks a little annoyed but shakes his head.


I roll my eyes.

"So where's the list?"

"The list?"

I turn and stare at him like he's stupid.Which he kinda is.

"The list.Of books you need?"

He looks guilty for a second and I have no clue why.

"Oh right,ummm I don't have a list."

He doesn't?

Of course he doesn't.

I roll my eyes and turn away back the way we came.

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