Chapter 50

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"Want something to drink?" Cameron asks,having to yell a little cause of the loud music.

I shake my head quickly.

"No thanks,I'm good."

He smiles down at me and I smile back slightly,but it feels so fake.

Some guy from across the room yells Cameron's name,he looks up and smiles at the guy as he waves.

"Stay here,I'll be right back." He says softly,I nod.

He walks over to the guy and they hug,I can faintly hear the other guy say "Haven't seen you in awhile."

Cameron smiles and they start talking.

I just stand there,looking around.

Honestly,I shouldn't have come.

I'm no good with parties and honestly,I don't even like them.

So why am I here?

I don't know honestly.I just wanted to...

I don't know? Piss off Jack?

I don't even know.

I sigh and look around,everyone all sweaty and dancing and drunk.

Yeah this is definitely NOT my scene.

I start walking,pushing my way through the crowd of high teenagers,wanting to get somewhere a little quieter.

I somehow make my way to the kitchen,after having many people tell me to fuck off from pushing my way through.

I look around the kitchen,seeing a couple making out in the corner and a couple stoners laughing their heads off over by the door.

Well,at least it's quieter.

I sigh and lean against the counter,my head hurting from the loud music.

"So did you hear that Jack Gilinsky is dating some guy?"

My head snaps up as two girls walk into the kitchen,mentioning Jack.

"No way." The other says as she grabs a beer from the counter.

The other nods,grabbing a beer as well.

"Apparently so,but it already ended.I guess he cheated on him or something." She shakes her head and the other girl laughs.

"Typical Gilinsky.Can't stay with anyone.Frankly,I feel sorry for the guy." She laughs and my stomach twists up a little.

"I know right.He even screws up with guys." The first one laughs and I kinda wanna hit her.

I'm still angry with Jack,but I don't like hearing other people talk about him.

Especially if they just put him down.

"God I'm really for sorry for whoever he slept with.I bet he was a jerk to them like he was to us." The first girl says,the other nodding as they leave the kitchen.

My head hurts as I think this through.

They're wrong,he wasn't a jerk.

He wasn't.

The only thing he did that was jerkish was the bet but other than that...

Jack honestly wasn't a bad guy,honestly.

It's just that stupid bet he did that made him such an asshole.

But other than that-

"Hey there you are."

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