Chapter 57

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I feel like passing out when I see him looking down at me,a mask on his face.

"Are you scared pretty thing?" He says softly,his voice chilling me in bad ways.

I try to turn around,head back the way I came,but he moves In front of me quickly.

So quickly I gasp out loud.

"You're even prettier in the light." He says,reaching a hand out to try and touch my face.

I shrink back,my heart hammering in fear.

"Please...just leave me alone." I say quietly,my voice sounding foreign to my own ears.

He laughs,that dark laugh that chills through my bones,stepping closer a bit.

"Where's the fun in that?" He says,adding emphasis to the word fun.

I shake my head and move back.

"Please...just stop." I say quietly,my heart hurting so badly it's scary.

He laughs,throwing his head back slightly.

"Relax pretty thing,I won't hurt you." He says,stepping closer.

I bite my lip,looking away from the dark eyes in the mask.

"Much." He adds,my heart speeding up.

He inches closer and I turn,taking off in a run.

I hear him curse behind me and follow me,his footsteps louder than mine as they slap the pavement.

"You're gonna regret running baby boy." He says behind me,making my stomach turn at the nickname.

I pick up pace,my heart beating insanely fast right now as I try to think of where to run.

I don't wanna run home,he'll follow and I don't want him knowing where I live.

I don't wanna run to Jacks,he'll follow there as well and I don't want Jack to get hurt by him.

I hear him pick up pace and he laughs behind me,my stomach turning at the sound.

"When I catch you pretty thing,you're gonna regret it." He laughs louder and tears spring to my eyes.

I pick up pace and suddenly I hit a rock,my feet falling under me as I go sprawling to the floor.

My face hits the concrete hard,pain shooting through me as I feel my nose start bleeding instantly.

I try to get up but suddenly two hands grab me from behind,one going around my mouth and the other grabbing shirt.

I scream,his hand muffling my pleas for help as he lifts me up by the shirt.

"Don't scream just yet pretty thing." He whispers in my ear,tears flooding down my cheeks.

He snakes his hand under my shirt,the minute his hand touches my skin I jump.

It feels gross and I want it off me,squirming my body as I try to get free from his grasp.

"Save the fighting for the bedroom-

He chuckles darkly,his hand crawling up my back slowly.

"Baby boy." He whispers.

The name makes me sick,coming from the wrong lips.

I feel anger push through me as I use all my energy,biting his hand as I threw my head back hard.

I hit his face,hearing his nose crack as my head feels like it's been split open.

He groans and releases me,his hands flying to his nose which I think is bleeding.

I react instantly,standing and running as fast I can,my heart beating in my chest so painfully I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

I listen for the sound of him following me but I don't hear it,no shoes slapping against the pavement except my own.

Tears flood down my cheeks as I make my way home,wanting to sleep this feeling off.

I race home as fast as I can,praying that Jacks there.

I need Jack,so badly.

I need him.

I miss him.

I love him.

Oh god,do I love him.

Even if I won't say it out loud.

(A/N) I know this flopped,not even a chapter.

This may be gone when you wake up tomorrow,I may redo it

I'm just having a bad night with bad thoughts and tomorrow's my birthday and I hate it

Let's not speak of it

I wanna sleep and never wake up,an eternal sleeping beauty without the prince to kiss me awake

Idek what I'm saying,gonna pass out cause I took some pills

Maybe I won't wake up

A girl can dream


This may be redone,idk if you like I'll keep

This book may end soon but I'll add more drama and make it longer if that's what you want

I literally only care about what you guys want,you're my babies

When's your birthday? I wanna know

The a/N's longer than the chapter


give me your thoughts?

Love my darling love bugs so much😘

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