Chapter 6

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Ever since Cam saw me and that boy talking he smirks every time he sees me in the hallway.It's getting annoying.

I know we're friends but sometimes...I don't see how we are.

Anyway,the bell just rang and I'm leaving my science class and making my way to history.

I'm caught up thinking about earlier.I still can't get over how that boy talked to me,like he hated me or something.I'm so deep in thought I almost miss the door to my history class.

I snap out of it and hurry inside before the bell rings.

Once inside,everyone seems to be paired up for something.

Mrs.Daniels (my old librarian,mean old thing) says "Ah Mr.Gilinsky,you're a little late.I've already paired everyone up for the assignment.So you can be paired with-"

She stops and looks around the room.I do the same and my eyes fall on someone in the back.Someone with freaky blonde hair and dark,mean eyes.

You probably guessed who.

I pray she doesn't say what I think she's gonna say but I have a feel-

"You can be paired with Jack.It's perfect,Jack and Jack! You two should start a band!" She laughs at her own lame joke.I try to smile but I'm not really excited to be working with him.

At first it think,why not just turn and leave?Say I felt sick and go home?

But then I remember Cam's words:

"Go on Gilinsky.Go talk to him.You'll have to sooner or later."

He's right.I hate when he's right.

I sigh to myself and make my way to the back,wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.



Okay,I get that I'm not the most loved person in the world.But the universe is testing me today for some unknown reason.

First,I run into him.No big deal.

He tried to help me with my books and help me up after he so rudely bumped into me.

I'll admit I was snarky an I guess cold but shit who cares?


He doesn't care about anyone or anything except hanging with the cool kids,loud music,getting laid and having all the sluts drape themselves around him so he looks like a damn king.

He's an ass.

He has no feelings.

So why on earth do I have to be paired with him in history class?!

Why not someone else?!

Why do I have to suffer?


I'm torn away from my self pity party by a chair being pulled out and him sitting down across from me.

Oh great,this will be oodles of fun.

I look down at my work,thinking if he doesn't say anything then we can get through this.Hopefully quickly and quietly.

Guess I didn't hope enough though.

"So- he says after a couple seconds of silence-what are we doing?"

"IM working.YOU are talking."

I hear him scoff and I can feel him glaring at me.

Glare all you want bastard,not like I care.

"I meant what's the assignment about."


He scoffs again and I can tell he's getting annoyed.But,once again,I don't care.

"How am I supposed to do the assignment if I don't know what it's about?"

I shrug,focusing on my work.

"Not my problem you arrived late.Maybe if you'd have shown up on time you'd know."

I hear him mutter "smart ass" under his breath and I can't help but smirk to

For a couple seconds he's quiet and I think he's gonna stay that way.

Guess I'm not that lucky.

"So are you gonna tell me what we're doing?"

"I already told you.I'm working and you're talking."

I know,I'm a smart ass.Cant help it.He's an ass so why should I be nice?

He groans,sounds kinda annoyed which makes me laugh to myself.

"Why are you being such an ass?"

I play dumb.

"I'm not being an ass.I told you what we're doing.Not my fault you don't hear well."

The table shifts so I'm guessing he leaned against it or something.I quickly sneak a peak and see he's leaning back with his eyes closed,arms behind his head.

"Well then I guess I don't have to do any work."

If he thinks by doing that I'm gonna tell him,he's wrong.I could care less if he failed or passed.

So,we sit in silence.Me working and him sitting there.

I'm just happy he shut up.


"Damn it,would you just tell me what we're doing?"

I shrug.

"Find out for yourself."

I glance up and see he's staring at me.I stare right back.I look away first,not because I'm imitated by him,pfft please.But because I have work to do.

A couple seconds go by and then he stands up.

He's probably just gonna skip class,wouldn't put that past him.He's that type.

But after a minute or two he comes back,with the same worksheet I'm working on.

"Thanks for the help."

I glance up.

"You're welcome."

For a second,he looks pissed.But then he just looks annoyed.

I go back to my work,thinking how fun it is to piss him off.

Soon class is over,thank God.

I gather my stuff and turn in the worksheet to Mrs.Daniels before heading toward the door.

As I'm leaving I hear Jack come up behind me.I roll my eyes and hope he doesn't-

"What'd you get for number 10?"

I roll my eyes again at his stupid try at small talk.

"An answer."

"Don't you think we should see if we have the same answers?"

I walk faster but he keeps up with me easily.

"I got what I got.Don't care what you got."

He scoffs.

"What's your problem?"

I stop dead in my tracks and turn so fast he almost bumps into me.

I glance up at him,he glances down at me.

He's looking me over,like he's trying to find something written on my face or something.

I fix him with a glare and say

"You are my problem."

He looks taken aback,like I hit him or something.

I turn and start walking away and,thankfully,he doesn't follow.

(A/N) wellll I don't know about you but I think that went very well


Love you boos and love bugs 😘

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