Chapter 49

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"Please don't go with him."

I roll my eyes as he begs for me to stay home and not go anywhere with Cameron.

He's been doing this since I got home and it's starting to annoy the fuck out of me.

Why can't he just go away?

If I wanna hang out with Cameron I can hang out with Cameron.

Who is he to tell me who I can and can't hang around?

We aren't together anymore so he has no right to say anything.

Not anymore.

"Baby please." He sounds sad and it makes my stomach hurt,twisting up in a weird way.

"Please.Just please...don't go with him." He sounds desperate and for a second I think about opening the door and pulling him close to me.

I miss holding him so much.

But I refuse to after how he treated me.

So I just listen to his pleas to get me to stay,his voice mixed with worry and sadness.

And a little anger.

"Baby boy please.I'm sorry for everything."

I roll my eyes and go over to the door.

"Just please-

He stops suddenly when I open the door and look up at him.

"Go home Jack." I say coldly,narrowing my eyes a little.

His face droops and he just looks so sad I hate it.

I really,really do.

I bite my tongue hard before I reach out and kiss him,almost failing honestly.

His eyes flash with sadness as he shakes his head.

"Please don't go with him,please stay here." He begs and I scoff,rolling my eyes up.

"Why should I stay?" I ask,annoyed now.

He looks kinda lost for words as he stares down at me,shrugging.

"Tell me,why should I stay?" I raise an eyebrow,the teasing in me wanting to get him flustered.

Old habits die hard I suppose.

He looks like he might breakdown as he struggles to say something.

"I don't want you to go.I-

He cuts off and I roll my eyes.

"You what?" I cross my arms,looking up at him annoyed.

He bites his lip and looks at me with those sad puppy eyes,I melt inside.

"I miss you." He says quietly.

My heart hurts and I have to bite my tongue hard or else I'll forgive him here and now.

And I can't.

At least...not yet.

Although he's making it hard to stay mad at him with every second he gives me those sad eyes.

"Jack I have to get ready,will you please just-

I start to close the door but he pushes his foot in and looks down at me,his eyes hitting me once again.

"Just stay with me." He says in barely a whisper,his eyes remaining locked on mine.

I try to close the door but he holds it with his foot.

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