Chapter 45

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I didn't sleep at all last night.

How could I?

My baby boy hated me and wanted nothing to do with me.

I couldn't stop crying all last night,the tears never ending as I kept thinking of that face.

That beautiful face all wet with tears.

I kept thinking of his sad face and the sad tone he spoke in.

It hurt.

It hurt more than I can put into words.

I tried to stop thinking about,tried to sleep and forget those eyes that haunted me.

But I couldn't.

I felt empty.

I was used to having him here,beside me,his cute little snores making me smile.

His body curved against mine as he rested his head in my neck,breathing slowly against my neck.

I was so used to having him here,happy sighs coming from this lips as I twisted my fingers up in his soft hair.

I missed him.

God I missed him so much it hurt.

I felt like I couldn't breathe all night.

I wanted so desperately to call him,to cry over the phone hoping maybe the tone of my voice would make him listen to me.

I even thought about going over there,sitting on his porch till he decided to open the door and yell at me.

I missed him so much,so fucking much it scared me.

I sigh,glancing at the clock.


Right about now I'd be getting up to make him breakfast.

But I'm not over there.

I'm here,lying in this stupid bed that feels so empty without him.

I feel tears coming again and I don't even try to stop them,I just let it happen.

I don't wanna go to school today,too tired and weak.

But I have to go for him.

I have to see my baby boy.

Even if he doesn't wanna see me.


I groan,grabbing my backpack from the floor.

I didn't sleep at all last night.

How could I?

The thoughts of yesterday made me sick to my stomach.

It hurt too fucking much to think about all the things I heard yesterday.

Every time I tried to stop thinking about it I couldn't,it was like an endless loop that never ended.

I couldn't even get comfortable last night.

I missed Jack being here.

I missed his arms holding me tightly to him as he knotted his fingers in my hair.

I missed listening to his heart beat as I laid my head on his chest,near his neck.

I missed the soft kisses he spread across my hair and head,making me sigh happily as shivers went through me.

I missed him.

A lot.

But the fact of everything he did hurt way too much for me to think of that.

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