Chapter 13

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It takes just a couple seconds in the car with him to realize that I don't wanna be here.

I honestly don't know why Jack Gilinsky irks me as much as he does,he just does.

I really don't like being around him,not totally sure what it is that pisses me off the most about him.

I can feel him watching me from the corner of my eye and it bugs me.

I consider turning and asking why the hell he keeps looking at me but I don't.Mrs.Dana's voice keeps playing in my head,her saying to give him a chance and how he might be different than I expect.

Blah blah blah.

Why should I listen to her? She's probably wrong.

I mean, this is Jack Gilinsky for crying out loud.

Jack freaking Gilinsky.

He'll never change.He'll never be caring or anything more than an asshole.He'll never-

I feel a slight poke on my shoulder and I jump slightly,turning to see him watching me closely.

"What?" I ask, sounding ruder than I meant to.

A worried look crosses his face and he shrugs slightly.

"I just was seeing if you're okay.You looked like you were upset about something."

I'm probably wrong but he actually sounded worried for a second.I almost believed he cared.


I shrugged and looked out the window.

"I'm fine."

He looks like he's gonna say something else,his brow scrunches up like he's thinking, but then the look is gone to be replaced by an almost upset look.

He clears his throat and starts with all the questions that I knew were coming eventually.

"Uh are you cold?"

Am I cold? Why would he even ask me that? It's not like he cares.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes and shrug.

"I'm fine."

He nods slightly but from the corner of my eye I see him turn the heat up.

I'm not sure why,but this pisses me off.

"I said I'm fine." It comes out really cold.

He looks at me almsot shyly.

"But you were shivering."

I scoff.

"No I wasn't."

He nods.

"Yes you were."

I don't know why I'm so pissed about this but I am.

And before I can stop myself I say

"Don't you know how to listen or are you really as stupid as I think? I said I'm fucking fine okay?"

A hurt look crosses his face as he slowly reaches over and turns the heat off.He looks away and I can see his jaw tense up.

At first I feel victourious.

He finally listened to me AND he shut up.Maybe I just have to get pissed with him to shut him up.

But then as I glance at him from the corner of my eye, I see this... defeated?... look on his face.

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