Chapter 24

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One thing I find cute about Jack Gilinsky,if I'm being totally honest,is how he seems to show up way earlier than I tell him to.

We all know that guys usually are late on dates,it true so don't say it's not.

The girls are usually the punctual ones,waiting around for the guy to show up.

Jack Gilinsky always show up early,no matter what.

And I don't mean like 30 mins early,no I mean like hours early.

So it's no surprise when,after I walked around for awhile,I head home and there he is,sitting on my step with his head in his hands.

I check my phone.


I smirk to myself.

If he shows up this early for every girl than wow.

I try not to cringe at that idea but I won't lie,it makes my heart kinda hurt and my stomach twist up.

I push it away though as I make my way over to where he's sitting.

I don't think he hears me,he hasn't looked up once.Just keeps his head in his hands.

I briefly wonder if something's wrong.

I step closer and this time he hears me,his head snaps up and he springs up so fast he sways a little bit.

"Uhh I jus-"

"Couldn't get enough of me yesterday could ya?" I smirk.

He blushes deeply and I laugh,wondering why his eyes light up when I do.

"I-I was ju-"

"Eager to come back?" I step closer,biting my lip purposely.

He looks so flustered as he looks down at my lips,watching.

"Did you miss me?" I ask innocently,cocking my head slightly to the left.

A kinda frightened look crosses his face,like he knows this is a trick question and he's not sure how to answer it.


I move closer,so close I'm pressed up against him.

"Say it."

He gulps nervously as I stand up on my tiptoes and whisper in his ear.

"Say you missed me."

I slowly drag a finger across his chest,enjoying the way his breath hitches as I do.

"I missed you." He breathes out in just a whisper.

I smirk.

"How much?"

I trail my hand up,softly moving against his neck.

His breath hitches again and I smirk.

"So much." He says in a, maybe I'm imaging it,pained voice.

"Oh yeah?"

I press a small kiss to his face,feeling goosebumps as soon as I do.

He nods furiously and I smile.

"I know what we should do today."

I snake my hand down his chest,listening to his heavy breathing.

"W-what?" He sounds breathless and I love it.

I really do.

I smirk and trail my hand to his arm,gently touching it.

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