Chapter 20

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I bounce my knee up and down as I try,for the millionth time,NOT to look at the clock.

Of course I fail and I turn to look.


The last time I checked it said 10:28.I went two whole minutes without looking.

That's gotta be a record or something.

You know,I used to think it was so stupid when people were so nervous in movies.

You know like a girl or guys waiting for the time of the date,so they pace around or stare at the clock,nervous as hell.

I always found those parts so stupid.

I never got why they were so damn nervous.

It's not a big deal,really it's not.

It's just a date.

When I go out with a girl I'm NEVER nervous,not once.

I'm perfectly fine waiting till it's time and I NEVER stare at the clock nervously.

Not once do I stare at a clock when I go out.

So why is it that now,as I sit watching the clock slowly tick forward at such a slow pace it's torture,I'm just as nervous as those people in movies?

I'm not even going on a date.

It's just two guys hanging out.

It's NOT a date.

So why am I nervous?

And I mean really,really nervous.

I'm so nervous that I couldn't sleep.Yep,that's how nervous I am.

I literally woke up at 5.And I didn't even go to sleep till like 2.

I've been up since 5,driving myself crazy as I stare at this stupid slow clock.

Seriously I think this clock is broken.

It only says 10:32.

God could it go any slower?

I throw my hands up and go into the living room,hoping for some form of distraction from that stupidly slow clock.

I turn the tv on and channel surf,but nothing catches my attention for more than a second so that gets boring.

I turn on my xbox (wonder what kinda game systems they have 💭) and play whatever's in it.

But even that gets boring after a couple minutes.

I pick up my phone and do nothing really on it,just kinda stare and press buttons and shit.

I think about calling someone but I don't know who.

The person I wanna call may be asleep and I'm not gonna wake him.

Besides,I don't have his number anyway.

I groan and get up,heading back to the kitchen.

I glance up at the clock again.


Okay seriously that clock has gotta be broken.

I groan and lean against the fridge,glancing at my watch.

What the fuck is wrong with me?


I flip through the channels lazily,finally settling on some wildlife show.

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