Chapter 51

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I paced the porch,looking up and down the street for Cam's car.

I bite my lip hard,wishing he'd come back and be here with me.

I ran my fingers through my hair,thinking of all the things that could happen at that party.

I drove myself crazy sitting there thinking about him,thinking about if he's okay.

I drove myself crazy for hours.

Until I couldn't take it anymore...and I went out to look for him.


I wanna call him to come get me.

I'm cold and I really don't feel well and I'm still shaky from what just happened.

I'm tired and I want nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms,his fingers twisted up in my hair as I listen to his heartbeat.

I don't want to forgive least not yet.

But right now,I need him.

I need him with me,need him here with me.

I wanna call him...but I don't.

I'm too stubborn to admit how much I miss him,at least out loud I am.

Inside I know I miss him,but I won't say that to him.

Not yet at least.

I still don't forgive him.

But right now...I wish he was here.

Oh god,I wish he was here.


I know exactly where the house party is so I rush my way there,my thoughts thinking bad things.

I make my way inside and I'm instantly hit with nauseating smells,drugs and the smell of alcohol.

Smells that used to mean something to me,things I used to care about.

I haven't gone to a party since I started hanging around him and honestly,I don't miss it.

I'd rather be around him then somewhere like this.

I push through all the bodies,ignoring the girls grabbing at me and the guys shoving at me.

I search desperately for Cam,for that mess of blonde hair I love so much.

Near the bar some girl grabs me,latching herself onto my arm.

"Jack! Come dance with me baby!" She smiles giddily up at me,drunk.

I shove her off and push through the crowd,searching for some sign of him.

Over in the corner I see Cam,leaning against the wall.

I make my way over,glaring at him.

"Where is he?" I ask as soon as I'm close to him.

He looks confused for a second and then he just smirks.

"What's wrong G,couldn't stay away from a party?" He smirks more and I step closer,grabbing his collar.

"Tell me where he is." I say roughly,narrowing my eyes at him.

He shakes his head,looking annoyed and upset at the same time.

"I honestly don't know."

I start panicking inside.

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