Chapter 10

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I sigh,throwing the books in my locker,not really caring about the mess.

Well,so much for that.

I felt kinda guilty about leaving him the other day,when he was walking in the rain.

Although I don't know why.It was his fault,he didn't wanna get in the car.

But I still felt guilty.

So I thought maybe today I could try to talk to him,try to get him to talk to me.

But how?

I asked around,explaining what he looked like.

No one was really any help.

Everyone either said they didn't know him,had no idea who I was talking about,didn't care about him or was just nosy and asked why I cared.

Thanks for nothing everyone.

Then I finally got an answer from a teacher,Mrs.Morano.She said that he hung out in the library sometimes,helping the librarian.

I wanted to ask his name but she was kinda rude and shooed me from her classroom.


So I decided to go and give it a try.

Mrs.Dana,the librarian,offered to help me,but I figured what a better way to spend time with him than this?

Except,he didn't even wanna talk to me.

He really hates me and I honestly don't know why.

I've never done anything to him,ever.

The little shit.

I sigh again,glancing at the books once more before closing my locker hard.

Well,look on the bright side I suppose.

At least now I know he hangs out there.

JJ's POV (Friday)

I roll my eyes and try to move past.

"What's the matter spaz?Worried you won't make it to class on time?"

So I was walking to class,minding my OWN buisness,when these two idiots grabbed me and decided to torture me a little.

Lucky me.

And now here I am,blocked by two big dudes who could crush me if they wanted.

"Can I please jus-" I say,trying to move past again.

One of them shoves me back,making me but the lockers pretty hard.

"You're not going anywhere got it freak? You're gonna stay right here while my friend and I teach you a lesson."

The one talking laughs and the other one smirks at me,watching me with these little beady black eyes.

It's pretty creepy actually.

I try to move past again,knowing it's a bad idea but oh well.

The one that laughed pushes me back so hard I fall over,groaning as I hit the ground hard.

"You're gonna get it for that loser."

One of them grabs my foot and yanks,twisting my ankle a little.The other one comes closer to me and grabs my collar,yanking me up quickly and punching me right in the jaw.

I groan and whimper a bit.

Bad mistake.

"Oh are you gonna cry?Fucking little wuss."

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