Chapter 19

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I'm gonna be honest.

If you asked me what this movie is about I couldn't give you an answer to save my life.

I honestly have no idea what the movies about.

I haven't been watching any of it and no,it's not cause he picked a bad choice.

It's cause I can't stop watching him.

Something's definitely wrong with me.

When we first sat down he caught me watching and I panicked,turning away so fast I jumped.Made him laugh but I was embarrassed.

So when the movie started and he was staring at the screen with great interest,I leaned my chair back slightly so he couldn't see me watching.

And that's what I've been doing since the movie started,and it's already halfway through.

Something's definitely wrong with me.

Some part comes on and I guess it's funny cause he laughs loudly.

I smile and watch him,watch how his face lights up and his eyes shine.

I watch as some surprising part comes on and his eyes widen.

I watch as some confusing part comes on and he scrunches up his face,thinking.

I watch as another funny part comes on and he laughs again.

He appears to be liking the movie,he can't stop laughing.

I know it's the best movie I've ever seen.

Another funny part comes on and he laughs again,his whole face lighting up.

I can't help but stare,it's hypnotizing.

Okay something is DEFINITELY wrong with me.


"So did you like the movie?" I ask.

He nods and smiles slightly.

"Yeah I loved it."

I turn and look up at him.

"What was your favorite part?" I raise an eyebrow.

He looks like a kid who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"My favorite part?" He sounds nervous.

I nod.

"Umm well I..I liked the whole thing."

I smirk.


He nods and looks nervous.

I don't say anything,just smirk up at him.

"Okay then." I turn and start leaving the theatre,heading out to the car.

"Uh What was your favorite part?" He quickly catches up to me.

I cock my head,thinking for a second.

"I liked the part where (some part in some movie idek)."

He laughs and nods.

We get to the car and he goes to open my door,which I must say is surprising.

But I go to open it too and our hands collide.

That tingly feeling starts up again and I hear him gasp quietly.

I look up at him to see him looking down at me with an unreadable expression.

I bite my lip slightly and he stares,a blush coming up his face.

I feel really strange and I don't know why.

I open my mouth to say something but he opens the door for me,looking down nervously.

I get in and he goes around to the drivers side.

He gets in and drives me home.

We don't talk and this time I'm not sure if it's cause it's a 5 min drive or cause he doesn't know what to say.

We get there soon and I turn to him slightly.


He won't look at me,just nods while looking at the steering wheel.

It's kinda annoying to be honest.

I almost ask what's wrong but I don't.


He still doesn't say anything,just keeps his head down.

I roll my eyes slightly and get out.

As I walk in I feel him watching me,it makes me nervous.

I get inside and just as I'm about to close the door I hear


I turn to see him behind me,looking nervous.

That's odd,I didn't even hear him get out of the car.

He looks really nervous as he says

"Do you maybe wanna...."

He breaks off and rubs the back of his neck.

He bites his lip and something inside makes me feel really weird.

Not a bad weird though,just weird.

I wait for him to continue but he doesn't.

"Do I maybe wanna what?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

He starts playing with his hands,looking at me.

"Do you maybe something tomorrow?"

The way he says it makes it sound like he's sure I'll say no,he sounds defeated.

Not sure why.I already went to a movie with him.

That's more than I ever thought I'd do.

I cross my arms over my chest and cock my head.

"Like what?"

He looks up and shrugs quickly.

"Whatever you want."

I raise an eyebrow and he starts rambling.

"We don't have to.I was just wondering.I get it if you don't want to."

It's funny to hear him ramble.

Whenever he talks to the girls at school he's always calm and collected.

This is strange....for him.

He opens his mouth to ramble some more.

"I was only asking cause I don't have anything to do and maybe if you don't then we cou-"


He stops mid ramble and looks surprised.


I nod,smirking.


He smiles and my stomach feels funny.I can't help but smile back.

"Okay umm then I'll see you tomorrow.I'll come by at-"

"Noon." I say.

He smiles and nods.

"Okay I'll see you then."

I smile and start to close the door.

"Guess you will."

The last thing I see before the door closes is that smile.

And every part of me feels weird when I do.

(A/N) 😏😏😏😏😏😏

Anywho go give my new story a read,I wanna know what you think

It's Jolinsky (of course) and it's called Love at no sight


Love you all love bugs 😘

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