Chapter 54

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I stare at him,watching as he breathes in and out slowly.

His perfect face looks at peace as he sleeps,no sign of that pained look on his face anymore.

He had that look the whole day,it killed me to know he was in such pain.

It only started going away when I got him home,roaming my hands all over him.

At first it didn't seem to help.The more I touched him the more he whined,looking at me sadly like nothing would help.

But I kept trying,trying to take away whatever was hurting him.

Once he started kissing me passionately,not one of those hurried kisses,he started relaxing.

The pained look started going away as he wrapped himself against me,holding me closely to him.

After we had sex it finally went away,that look of pain that I'd kill to get off his face.

Only after he finished his high and I rode out mine did I see that look of relaxation on his face,a look of bliss.

He pulled me against him roughly,his fingers twisting in my hair so hard it hurt.

"Jack please stay with me." He said,sadness laced in his sleepy voice.

He held me tighter like he was afraid I'd leave,leave him alone for the night.

Where would I go?

This was the only place I wanted to be.

I kissed his head,breathing hard as I breathed in the sweet smell of my baby boy.

"Always baby boy." I whispered against him.

He whimpered and pulled me closer,cute little sighs escaping his lips as his breathing slowly returned to normal.

After he feel asleep I pulled away,moving to sit in a chair across from the bed to watch him.

I sit there now,looking at his beautiful face as he sleeps.

I'm scared for him.

I don't know what happened that made him like this,I don't even know who did it and when,but I know it's hurting him.

I know whatever it is scares him and makes him feel small,I can see it written on his face and the way he moves.

He's less...sassy.

He's more...timid.

Whatever it is,he feels scared.But he won't tell me what it is,he's too stubborn.

Like now.

He hasn't forgiven me.

He hasn't kissed me the way he did when we were together.Sure we kissed today,but it was different.

I can't explain it.

He won't kiss me the same way,he won't touch me the same way.

He never says he loves me anymore.

I can't tell you how badly that hurts.

I said it when we finished.I said "I love you" and he just turned away,like it was nothing.

You don't know how badly that hurt,I wanted to scream in pain cause of it.

He hasn't forgiven me,we don't have the same relationship we did.

I'm sometimes scared we never will.

But despite all that,he aches when I'm away.

When I touch him he's relaxed,moans and sighs coming from him like he's in bliss.

When I stand there while he's in pain,he begs me to touch him,to hold him.

As if my fingers could solve whatever the problem was,as if I could take the pain away.

I'd do anything to take his pain away so if that's what he needs I'll do it.

I just wish he'd explain why he's in such pain,what's got him so afraid.

He won't forgive me...but I think he needs me.

He,of course,won't say it.Too stubborn.

But I think If I left,which I could never do but let's say I did,I think he'd miss me.

I'd like to think its cause he still loves me,but maybe it's just cause he needs me.

Whatever the case...I'll be here.

I couldn't stay away from him if someone payed me.

I love him too much for that.

A sudden groan shakes me from my thoughts.

My eyes snap into focus on the boy sleeping in the sheets.

He tosses and turns,throwing the sheets away to revel his body to me.

A sad noise comes from him,a pained whine that makes me instantly panic.

I get up and walk closer,watching as he twists and turns around.

A pained expression masks his face,much like the one he had earlier but this one has a trace of...



I can't say which,maybe both.

He throws a pillow across the room as his chest starts heaving harder,his eyes scrunching more closed as he looks like he's gonna cry.

"No." He breathes out,sounding scared.

I get on the bed and try to touch him but he pulls away.

"Don't." He cries out,his voice sad and strained.

He let's out a sob and arches his back like he's in pain.

"Jack." He moans out,a sad moan that makes me shiver.

I move closer and grab him.

He fights against me,trying to wriggle from me,but I just pull him on top of me.

I twist my fingers in his hair and kiss his head,whispering baby boy in his ear.

He immediately calms down,pressing into me tightly as he buries himself in my neck.

"Jack's baby boy." He whispers,the sadness fading away slowly.

He soon falls back asleep and I hold him tighter.

Whoever made my baby boy like this is gonna pay.

When I find them,and I will find them,they won't like what I'm gonna do.

(A/N) think of this like a filler,it's small but I think it's important

Now,if you know me and have read my first story OA,you know I LOVE drama

So if there's drama,be warned 😏

I know this is short,I'm sorry

Trying to work on updating other stories as well 😬

Tell me,what do you think will happen in this story?

Will we see major asshole again?

Will cam leave them alone?

Will JJ ever fully forgive JG?

Will I ever get the right amount of sleep?

The answers no to the last one sooo



Random emojis cause I'm loopsy rn 🐰💖🐭🙊🐸🍯🍒⛺️👽👀🐷🐻💧💦💤🗼✈️🚀♦️♥️♣️🍑🎓🎃💝🎄🎅

Yeah sorry

Love all my precious lovebugs 😘

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