Chapter 16

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JG's POV (Friday)

I've stayed away from the blonde boy for a whole day.

After he told me basically to get lost,I've been leaving him alone.

I don't know what it is about the words he said that hurt so bad.I've had girls tell me shit like that before and it's never bothered me.

But maybe it's the way he said it or the icy stare he had,whatever it was,it hurt.It really hurt.

Although I won't say that out loud.

I sigh and throw the ball up,catching it,then repeating the process.

I've been doing it for an hour since I got home.

It's Friday and I'm bored and the only thing I keep thinking about is the words he said to me,how much he hates me.

I'm gonna leave him alone cause apparently he doesn't wanna be ANYWHERE near me.

So I'm just gonna leave him alone.

It's fine with me.

It's not like I wanted to be around him anyway.

I really don't.



I groan and rub my head,wishing this headache would go away.

Ever since I told Jack Gilinsky to get lost I've been feeling SUPER guilty and frankly,it's starting to piss me off.

Who cares that I hurt him?

I'm sure he's not used to being hurt and that's why I feel guilty.

But why do I have to feel guilty?

I bet a ton of people would be thrilled that I stood up to him.


But if that's true,why do I feel so bad?

I tug on my hair and bite my lip,wishing this headache would just freaking go away.

I get up and make my way downstairs.

It's Friday,thank God.Don't have to worry about school for 2days.

Seriously the weekend is the best thing ever made and if you don't think so you're lyin.

I go over to the fridge and open it,grabbing some juice.

From over my head I hear a loud "LATER BITCH IM LEAVING!"

I smile and shake my head,laughing.

"Where you going?" I ask.

"SLEEPOVER DUH! ILL SEE YOU MONDAY!" She says in a si song voice which makes me laugh.

"Have fun!" I yell back as she's heading out the door.

"YOU TOO!" She screams and I roll my eyes at my crazy little sister.

I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.

After she leaves the house feels empty.With her being loud and always singing or something,the house is usually pretty noisy.

When she leaves,it's dead quiet.

Sometimes I like it,sometimes not.

Today is one of those nots.

I sigh and think maybe I'll just go take a nap,nothing better to do with my day.

It's only like 3pm so the days almost over but still.

I sit on the counter,eating (your fav fruit love bugsies) thinking.

No matter what I think about my thoughts always go back to the things I said to Jack Gilinsky,making the guilty feeling return.

I guess I shouldn't have been so mean.

I guess I should have tried to be nice.

But can you blame me?

I keep thinking over the past couple days,how's he's been trying to talk to me.

I have to admit,Mrs.Dana was right.

I usually don't answer his questions.I either dodge them or don't answer at all.

I mean,at least he was trying.

But what is it he's trying to do?

Become friends?Pftt not likely.

Is he gay and that's why he asked me out? Ha,I doubt that too.

So what is he trying to gain?

What could he possibly want from me?

I guess I kinda spaced out.

When I come to I feel kinda disoriented and my headaches still there,which is just great.

And there's the noise of a doorbell.

I listen for a second as it echoes through the house,sounding kinda lonely.

I suppose I should get that.

I stand up and slowly make my way there.

I open the door and I gasp quietly to myself as I see who's standing on my doorstep.

Now since I told him to get lost I definitely was NOT expecting him to show up at my door,hands in his pockets,as he looked down at the ground.

I'm trying to think of why he's here an failing,so I just stare at him as he looks down.

He's doesn't say anything for awhile and I start to think maybe I should say something first.

Like sorry.

Problem is I'm not good with sorries,especially to people I don't wanna apologize to.

The silence stretches for far too long so I blurt out

"What do you want?"

He flinches at my tone and I wish it hadn't come out so rude.I didn't meant for it to.Honestly I didn't.

He rubs the back of his neck and looks up,a soft,sad look in his eyes with a soft,sad frown to match.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asks,kinda timdly.

I have never heard a timid thing come from Jack Gilinsky before and I'm kinda shocked.

He stands there,waiting for my answer,that small slight,almost hopeful,smile on his lips and for a second I have to think.

Close the door and let him leave?

Or go with him?

The hopeful look starts to fade the longer I take to answer and he sorta turns his body,ready to leave.

I decide to TRY.

So I smile slightly and nod.


(A/N) I'm kinda enjoying JJ being a bitch to G idek why

But the bitchness will be fading semi soon soooo 😏😏

Anywho thoughts?

Love my baby love bugs 😘

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