Chapter 11

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I can't help but feel happy at this small victory.

Sure,it's just a ride.

But he finally said yes to one and considering how he's been acting towards me,that's a lot.

For now.

But as I drive,the happy mood goes away.

He won't say anything.

Not one word.

He doesn't even turn on the radio.

I clear my throat,knowing I'll regret this.....

"Uh so does your nose still hurt?" I ask as I look over at him.

I see him roll his eyes.


"Do you wanna go to the doctor?"

He scoffs.


"You want me to stop and get you some medicine?"

He looks super annoyed as he spits out

"What I WANT is for you to drive me home."

What he said was fine but the way he said it wasn't.

If tones could kill,I'd be dead,he sounded so pissed.

I turn back to the road and sigh quietly.

Why does he have to be so difficult?

A couple minutes go by and neither of us speak.At one point I glance over at him,but he glares out of the corner of his eyes so I quickly look away.

After a couple more minutes I just can't take the silence anymore.

"Do you always walk home?"

He sighs,like he's given up on me not talking.


"Do you always take this route?"


"Don't you have a car?"

He looks at me like I'm stupid.

"If I had a car do you think I would be walking home every day?"

I shrug.

"Just asking."

He kinda turns his whole body in his seat,facing me with an annoyed expression.

"Let me ask you something,do you always ask this many questions or am I just lucky enough to see this side of you?"

I smirk slightly.

"Why?Do the questions bother you?"

"As a matter of fact,yes they do."



"That's not an answer."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."

He turns away and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I refuse to answer any more questions."

I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh really?"

He doesn't say anything,just looks out the window.

"Why's that?"

He rolls his eyes.

"Because it's annoying."

I smirk slightly,knowing I got him.

He shifts,glancing at me.


I shake my head.

"You don't wanna answer no more questions,yet you just did."

He looks confused for a second and then just looks annoyed.

"That doesn't count."

I nod.

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't."

I turn away,copying his moves from earlier.

"I refuse to fight anymore with you."

From the corner of my eye I see him roll his eyes.

And....something else.

For the rest of the ride,I ask questions and he argues.

It's annoying that he doesn't always answer,but I'm getting used to it actually.

When we get to his house I pull up and park,eyeing him from the corner of my eye.

He gets out,grabs his stuff and shuts the door.

Not saying anything.

Well that kinda hurt a little.

I mean,he could have at least said...

A tap at my window makes me jump slightly.

I turn to see him standing there,arms crossed,looking impatient.

I roll down the window.

"Yeah?" I ask,raising an eyebrow.

He rolls his eyes and says,quickly


And with that he turns and walks inside.

I sit there for a bit,feeling happy and victorious.

It wasn't a very big thing....but to me it was.

Cause when he said thanks...I saw the smallest smirk,almost a smile,on his face.

And that...made it worth all the arguing.

(A/N) lovebugs sorry this may suck and if it does I'll try again later

Gotta go cause I got lawyer stuff to do and it's keeping me extra busy

Expect an update on ALL my books soon

Leave me your thoughts on what to update next

do you think theres any feelings yet?

Thoughts on what will happen next?

Love you love bugsies 😘😘

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