Chapter 38

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"What's wrong,afraid we'll get caught?" I smirk,leaning against the fence.

He bites his lip and looks around,like someone's gonna come running and catch us.

"No,but what if-

"Babe no one comes here during this time of year.That's why they close it." I roll my eyes and jump up,jumping the fence.

"JJ please be careful."

He sounds so worried it's beyond cute.

I roll my eyes to myself.

"Well aren't you the worried type." I laugh,and look down.

I'll admit,this is stupid and bad cause we could get caught.

But after spending the day at the carnival I wanna go swimming and apparently it's too late to go to the beach.

Or so Jack says.

I think he's just nervous we'll get caught cause once I made my way to the pool he kinda freaked.

"JJ please just-

I let go of the fence for a second,just to see his face.

It's priceless.

His eyes widen and he immediately jumps up,trying to get to me.

Which is harder than it sounds cause I'm already on the other side.

I laugh and drop down.

"You always worry this much or only with me?"

He drops down,he was much quicker than I was,and turns to look down at me.

A worried looks in his eyes and I smirk up at him.

"You really were worried." I smile slightly,watching as that cute blush comes up his face.

"Is that so bad?" He asks timidly.

I laugh and pull him close,leaning my head against his.

"No it's cute,really." I kiss him softly,feeling him wrap an arm around my waist and pull me closer.

He moans in my mouth when I bite his lip hard,only making me smirk.

I pull away,running over to the pool and dipping my toes in.

"Is it cold?" He asks,moving closer.

"Afraid of the cold babe?" I smirk.

He shakes his head.


While he's talking and looking down at the water I remove my shirt.

"I just-

He breaks off as he turns to stare at me,his eyes traveling over my chest.

"W-what are you doing?" He stutters.

I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm undressing."

"I know but why?"

I unbutton my jeans and kick them aside,enjoying the way that blush creeps up his face.

"Ever heard of skinny dipping?"


He laughs like the angel he is as he removes his boxers,kicking them aside.

My eyes travel up and down his body,taking in every inch.

I know we had sex but I never fully saw everything,at least not how he saw me.

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